Chapter 34: Reception

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Paul walked off with Seth, Bree, Billy and Sue once the ceremony was over

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Paul walked off with Seth, Bree, Billy and Sue once the ceremony was over.

They stood a little a the side the five of them talking to each other.

Seraphina walked off with Edward and Bella as some of the Cullens' good friends from the Denali coven, congratulated them.

"Ina!" Carmen smiled sweetly and engulfed her in a hug as she approached.

"Lovely to see you, Carmen, Eleazar." She smiled sweetly and turned to one of the three original Denali sisters "Aunt Tanya, it has been a long time." Seraphina said as she hugged the woman.

"It has. We must not keep going on like this." Tanya smiled.

Edward and Bella watched as Seraphina turned to the last blonde, a skinny woman with pin-straight blonde hair and a sharp smile.

Kate Denali was Seraphina's fave aunt.

"Katy." Seraphina greeted with a huge smile on her face.

"Ina." Kate greeted her with the same smile on her face, as they hugged each other.

Their gazes all fell upon Irina, who kept a noticable distance from Bella and Edward.

She wore a resentful look on her face and Seraphina knew why.


Carmen turned to her "Irina, come meet Bella."

"I can't do this." She muttered.

Tanya frowned "You promised."

"They invited two of them." Irina gritted her teeth as her gaze landed first on Seth Clearwater and Paul Lahote as they conversed with Billy and Charlie.

"Irina, Seth and Paul are our friends." Edward defended.

"And Paul is my mate." Seraphina snarled at her.

The two of them always hated each other.

"Your mate and that mongrel killed Laurent." Irina spat angrily.

Edward sighed, he definitely did not want to deal with this at his own after party.

"He tried to kill Bella. And bit Ina."

"I don't believe that. He wanted to be like us. He wanted to live in peace with humans." Irina looked away solemnly "With me."

"Well he shouldn't played Victoria's bitch then!" Seraphina snarled at her.

"Ina!" Edward snarled at her, but she was too pissed off.

"I warned Laurent that I don't give second changes. I warned him not to come back ever and leave Victoria and James behind, he didn't listen. Actually I was willing to gave him one last change to go back to you, but he tried to kill Bella and bit me, he had it coming." Seraphina told her.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now