Chapter 50: The red coats are coming...

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The time had finally come

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The time had finally come.

The snow was sticking and winter was at it's peak.

The harsh winds hardly phased the group of supernatural beings that made their way across the snow covered clearing.

Bella, Edward, Bree and Renesmee lead everyone, the family placed in the front of everyone.

They were followed closely by the rest of the Cullen clan, Rosalie and Emmett to their right and Carlisle and Esme to their left.

The rest of the clans stood in the back, their numbers looking extremely thin due to to size of the field they were in.

The air was thick, tension rising at they awaited the arrival of the Volturi.

The fog coating the field only made the atmosphere more ominous, more dangerous.

"If we live through this..." Garrett spoke, aiming his words towards the blonde vampire he had quickly been taken with "I'll follow you anywhere, woman."

Kate met his grin with a smirk "Now you tell me."

Carlisle clutched his wife's hand within his, eyes casted down towards their intertwined fingers before he met her eyes.

They didn't spoke, their eyes conveying their love just as well as words.

Rosalie gave Emmett a worried frown before staring ahead as the sound of footsteps stomped at the other end of the clearing.

Emmett's arms tightened around his wife.

Tons and tons of black cloaks exited the trees, the snow crunching underneath their leather boots.

"The red coats are coming! The red coats are coming." Garrett fidgeted.

He eyed the amount of vampires on the other side, noting the uneven numbers before all of them even stepped out.

Bella moved to stand slightly in front of Renesmee and Bree.

The two young girls griping each of their hands tightly, while Renesmee was clenching her mother's hand with her smaller one.

The number of witnesses the Cullens gathered barely even dented to amount the Volturi had presented.

The only difference being the Cullens' side consisted of multiple vampires with abilities instead of the minor few Aro had.

Stefan and Vladimir stood in the back, smirks on both their faces as their wishes were finally coming true.

Aro led the other side, his brothers closely by his side.

Caius with his usual smirk and Marcus with a look of dread followed behind at a small distance.

Aro's eyes traveled across the clans, his red orbs never stopping as he attempted to spot his prize.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now