Chapter 22: I missed you

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Bella and Jacob rode on his bike down to his place in LaPush to talk about the things between them and to get more answers

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Bella and Jacob rode on his bike down to his place in LaPush to talk about the things between them and to get more answers.

Jacob decided to bring Bella back to Emily's place.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Bella asked him nervously "I am the vampire girl remember."

Just then the rest of the pack came out of the house to greet them by yelling and whooping.

"Well look whose back." Embry greated with a smile.

"What up Bella?" Quil asked her with a smile.

Bella looked at him in shock "Quil, you too?" She asked meaning that he's a shifter now.

"Yep. Finally made the pack." He told her happily while the others laugh.

Embry spoke up "Glad you're here Bella, maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue."

At this the others laugh while Jacob looked embarrassed.

"Oh should I call?" Paul asked nudging Jacob.

"Why wouldn't Bella call?" Jared continued while eating his chicken.

"Maybe I should call Bella?" Embry said with a smirk.

"Maybe I should call Bella and hang up." Quil said last as they all laugh at Jacob teasing him.

Jacob blushed and laughed annoyingly "Alright you can shut up now."

Just then Leah walked out of the house and stopped after she saw Jacob and Bella.

"Bella this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter." Jacob introduced.

Bella nodded at her "Hey. I'm really sorry about your father."

Leah just kept the harsh scowl on her face "If your here to torture Jacob some more feel free to leave."

And with that she ran off towards to woods.

The others just stood there awkwardly, well except Jared who was trying not to laugh and takes a bite of his chicken again.

"Fun isn't she?" Jacob asked Bella.


Another voice shouted from the distance.

She looked towards the house, where Emily and Sam were.

Emily walked up to Bella "Hi. I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again." She asked as she hugged Bella.

"Sam we good?" Jacob asked his Alpha.

Sam pulled Emily close to himself and answered the young wolf.

"Yeah, we're good. She won't be getting through our line anytime soon." Sam told them with a smile on his face.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now