Chapter 11: Motorbikes

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Seraphina was in the back of Bella's truck as her best friends, Bella and Jacob, sat up front

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Seraphina was in the back of Bella's truck as her best friends, Bella and Jacob, sat up front.

It was good to see Jacob again she hadn't see him in a long time and it was great to see him again.

But she knew that soon she will be spending a lot more time with him, since she could feel his Alpha wolf starting to wake up.

Seraphina was honestly ignoring their conversation, until she heard one specifical name, when she started listening to them.

"Is that Sam Uley?" Bella asked, as they were driving past the cliff where she spotted a group of boys standing on top.

She briefly remembered glimpses of him from her time in the woods the night Edward left.

And from the night he called at her house asking about Seraphina.

Seraphina sat up more, instantly laying eyes on the pack.

"Yeah." Jacob's icy tone cut through the air, his eyes darkening at the sight of the group "Him and his cult."

"Ina, you live with him right?" Bella asked her best friend.

Seraphina nodded her head "Yeah, until my family come back. I basically grew up with Sam, so they trusted him to look after me."

Jacob then turned towards her "Why didn't come to live with us, like when we were ten?"

Seraphina couldn't tell him the truth, at least not yet so she just lifted her shoulders "I don't know."

Bella stared at the group along the cliff, watching as two of them decided to grab the smaller one and throw him off.

"Oh my god!" Bella exclaimed, hastily pulling over and diving out of her truck.

Seraphina watched the boys, her enhanced sight letting her see that it was her soulmate and Embry that threw Jared over the side, while Sam stood beside them watching.

Jacob and Seraphina exited the truck, chuckling at Bella's anxious state.

"Relax Bella!" he soothed.

"They're not really fighting. They're cliff diving." She explained with a smile.

Bella whirled on them with disbelieving eyes "What? On purpose?"

"Scary as hell, but a total rush." Jacob explained "Most of us jump from lower down."

"Think I could?" Bella asked them.

Seraphina instantly shook her head at her "Hell no!"

"Man first motorcycles, now cliff diving?" Jacob asked her with a smirk.

Bella shrugged casually, however something about her bahavior set off alarm bells in Seraphina's head "You said it was a rush."

Jacob shook his head "Maybe on a warmer day. And not from the top. We'll leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples.

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