Chapter 28: Preparation

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After the training Seraphina went back to La Push with Paul, to his house

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After the training Seraphina went back to La Push with Paul, to his house.

They spent the night laying on his couch watching TV, talking and just being in each other arms.

For a moment they were just normal teenagers in love.

Not Nymph and a shifter.

For a moment they just forgot that they were going into a battle with a newborn vampires that are trying to kill Seraphina, Bella and apparently Paul was a target too.

Later at night Seraphina was sleeping in Paul's arms peacefully, with her head on his chest as she listened to his heart beat that relaxed her.

Suddenly her phone chipped off alerting her that she had a message.

She slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head from Paul's chest, who was still sleeping soundly.

She grabbed her phone and turned it on to see that it was a message from Bella, when she read it she instantly grew angry at what she just read.

She grabbed her phone and turned it on to see that it was a message from Bella, when she read it she instantly grew angry at what she just read

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A few hours later Paul woke up in the middle of the night.

He touched around him and when he didn't found his imprint next to him, he woke up completely.

He stood on him elbows as he looked around trying to find her.

His bedroom door was opened so he quickly stood up and walked towards it and walked outside the room where he found his imprint sitting on the table in his small kitchen.

He walked towards her and stood behind her, as he looked over her shoulder and saw flayers on her hand.

"Hey." He greeted her softly as he sat down next to her.

"Hey." She greeted him not taking her eyes from the flayers.

"Everything okay?" He asked her as he grabbed her free hand.

Seraphina sighed, before she passed him the flayers so he could see them.

"A few days ago... I asked Charlie to get me a copy of all the missing people in Seattle."

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now