Chapter 15: Victoria

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"Alice, I'm alright

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"Alice, I'm alright. Until I'm alone. And lately that's all the time."

"Jacob's gone, he's hunting Victoria, along with Ina, most of the time. And Charlie's hunting Jacob."

"And you're gone. And so is Edward. And there's just nothing now."

"But I realize where I have to go, what I have to do to see him again."

"You got something Harry?" Charlie asked, watching as the silver haired man stared at the ground

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"You got something Harry?" Charlie asked, watching as the silver haired man stared at the ground.

"Nope. Nothing." He hurriedly covered the giant print left in the dirt before following the hunters.

The hairs on the back of Harry's neck stood forcing him to turn towards the source, spotting nothing but empty woods.

The redhead stood in the trees, glaring at the hunters below her and focusing on one in particular.

She dropped behind the Chief, stalking him as he continued to walk further.

She heard the cocking of a gun and whipped around.

Harry hurriedly lifted his gun, aiming it where the redhead once was, but freezing as she stood before him and smacked the gun out of his grasp.

She gripped his collar with one hand and lifted him, cutting off his air supply.

He gasped for breath, but she just tightened her hold.

He could feel his heart pounding painfully in his chest as the sound of blood rushed to his ears.

She smirked at the man she held, tilting her head before she was slammed away from him by a giant wolf.

Harry fell to the ground, but was caught before his body made full contact with the dirt.

He stared at the dark haired Nymph that he watched growing up.

She had watery eyes as she watched the man who basically rased her along with Billy and the Cullens.

Her lips were moving, but he couldn't hear her words, but he felt her comforting embrace as he stared into her forest green eyes.

He gave her one last smile, before taking his last breath and finally reuniting with his ancestors.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now