Chapter 13: An eye for an eye

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Seraphina was at the Black residents, talking with Billy about what she found in the book he gave her

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Seraphina was at the Black residents, talking with Billy about what she found in the book he gave her.

"So what I read in the book it's true?" She asked the elder.

"Unfortunately yes. You heard the legends Ina. You know about the prophecy... unfortunately for you to evolve and become stronger and more powerful. And for the prophecy to be fulfilled, you have to die and then come back." Billy explained her.

Seraphina sighed as she put her head on her hands as she run her fingers through her hair, before she looked at the man who helped her through the years.

"Uncle Billy. No one can know about this. Not Jake, not Bella, not the pack, nor my family. No one." She told him seriously.

If the prophecy was to be fulfilled no one could know about how exactly was going to happen.

Billy didn't wanted to promise that.

The pack and the Cullen's needed to know about this.

But when he saw the pleading look she gave him.

He signed and finally nodded his head.

Seraphina sighed in relief, but then she heard the screeching vehicle making its way down the street and she sighed.

Jacob was outside stacking the firewood against the house as it poured on him.

He also recognized the vehicle he'd worked on for months before trying to escape into his home.

Seraphina closed the curtains just enough to where she could see out, but Bella couldn't see in and her and Billy watched the scene in front of them.

"Jake!" Bella yelled, stepping out of her truck and instantly getting soaked from the rain.

Jacob paused before begrudgingly turning towards the girl.

Bella saw his hesitance and her annoyance increased.

"Hey!" She took a good look at him, eyes widening at his new look "You cut your hair off?" she asked, before looking to his arm "And got a tattoo?!"

"Bella..." Jacob sighed, not in the mood to argue when he couldn't even tell her the truth.

"I thought you were too sick to come outside or pick up the phone when I call." she spat, shivering from the cold water seeping into her skin.

"Go away!" Jacob demanded.

Bella felt her stomach drop, she took a small step back from her friend "What?"

"Go away!" Jacob's voice got shakier as he noticed the look on his crushes face, he was destroying her.

Bella almost turned around but she fought the instinct.

"What happened to you? What's... Hey!" She gripped Jacob's arm as he turned away "What happened?" She was desperate for the answers he refused to give her.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now