Chapter 10: I'm sorry

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After that night Seraphina and Paul became even more inseparable than before

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After that night Seraphina and Paul became even more inseparable than before.

She spend every free time she had with him, but whenever he was busy with patrol Seraphina would be with the others.

She even started spending time with the new member of the pack Embry Call.

She remembered him from when they were little, he was the same age as Jacob and their other best friend Quil Ateara.

Seraphina would stay there and listen to him as he whined about how he can't see his best friends, but the good news was that Bella started spending time with Jacob and she was happy about it.

Speaking about Bella, neither Seraphina nor Bella picked their phones and made the call.

Seraphina was waiting for her Protected to make the first move and simply because the Cullen girl was too stubborn.

But she missed her more than anything.

Whenever they were at school Seraphina would just ignore her Protected.

And yeah, she decided to returned to school after all.

But she noticed some changes in the pack, they looked more angry than usual and were constantly on alert for something, not to mention Embry... and to be honest Seraphina was getting tired of that.

So one evening, she walked downstairs and saw everyone having dinner.

She could feel the tension, so she stood in front of all them, but her main focus was Sam.

She squinted her eyes at him and crossed her arms across her chest.

They all looked at the Nymph.

"Hey Ina?" Sam greeted her, but it was more of a question.

"What's going on Sam?" She asked him right away.

He looked at her confused as he looked at the others, before he looked back at the girl "I'm not following."

"For the past few weeks you all have been a bit... nervous, angry and let's not forget..." Seraphina then pointed towards Embry "Him."

Embry looked at the girl with wide innocent eyes "Me?"

Seraphina looked at him "Yeah, you."

She then looked back at Sam as she started walking around the table and towards Sam.

"Sam, we both know that for a Quileute with the gene, to shift for the first time it can happen only if there's a vampire in the area."

She stood in front of him as she kept eye contact with him.

"And since my family left, there is no way in hell for him to shift... so..."

She then put her hands on the table and leaned closer to him.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now