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I park as close as possible to the entrance of the school, slam my car door while trying to press the lock button and run inside. My first class is English, which I usually don't dislike.

I remember the room number from looking at the schedule yesterday and try to find it as fast as I possibley can.

I run up the stairs to the second floor of the school, and debate whether it's even worth going to class this late. But I vote against not going, since showing up late is probably better than not showing up at all.

I knock on the door and the teacher opens it.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I had some personal issues this morning." I say faster than my brain even works, and speedwalk into the room.

I sit down on the first visible chair and get out my stuff. I hate attention so everyone staring at me literally makes me wanna be the monkey Sofia looked like this morning. That way I could hide too.

I look up, and am completely astonished. You're kidding me. A familiar pair of amber eyes are staring directly into mine. You know what, nevermind. I debate for not coming at all.

"I'm Ms. Jones. You are?"

I open my mouth, close it, open it, "I-", I turn my head sideways, "right yeah, Saylor."

I sink in my chair, I probably look like a grape that's shrinking into a raisin right now. Matter of fact, I would rather be a grape right now.

She shakes her head, "last name?"

Seriously? "Martin."

She nods and continues her class. I thought she was just visiting her sister? This woman is unbelievable. I put my forehead on my desk praying to God asking if He wants to make me invisible right now.

"Psst" I lift my head and look around to find where the sound's coming from. The girl next to me repeats it, I look at her. "Hi, I'm Ezra. Are you new here?" I sigh, "yeah I moved here in the summer."

She was gonna say something but gets interrupted.

"First you're late, now you're talking too Ms. Martin?"

This is not the 'I hope I can just get through this year unnoticed' vibe I was going for.

"Yes, I had to ask her what page we're on since you didn't."

A few people start whispering, but I don't really care. If she wants to act like a bitch, I mean so can I. Two can play that game.

"Out, Ms. Martin" She says unbothered, she can't possibly be serious.


She puts down her book, "get out" while pointing to the door.

"Yes ma'am." I mock her tone and gather my things.

I might actually hate English after today. I get up and walk out. Class was almost over anyways, so I decide to start walking to Math class.

After the bell rings, I walk in the room and sit down somewhere in the back. I get my stuff out while waiting for everyone else to get here and class to start.

I see Ezra walking in and she speedwalks over to me and plopped on the chair next to me.

"Girl that was badass, nobody has ever talked to her like that."

I shrug my shoulders, "I met her before and she wasn't even half the bitch she was today."

Her eyes go wide, "YOU WHAT?"

I motion her to be quiet as everyone was looking at us. The teacher walks in and tells us what page to turn to. "I'll tell you later." I whisper to her. Math isn't exactly something I'm good at, so I really have to try and pay attention.

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