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I abruptly wake up catching my breath, shaking from the nightmare I was having. I sit up and scan my room. Trying to take in my surroundings, and easing my fast-paced breathing once I fully wake up and realize I'm in my own bedroom.

These nightmares are eating me up slowly. They are getting worse and worse, to the point where even sleep medication isn't helping me stay asleep. I look over to my nightstand as I hear my phone buzz.

2 text messages from Dani. I unlock my phone, first message is the address and the second one is her just letting me know it's the address. Which, it was quite obvious it was the address. As I'm still in our conversation, I get another message.

Dani: It starts at 4 by the way!

I check the time on my phone while I'm on it, 5.04 am. Great. I decide to text her back, that way she'll know I saw her text.

Me: okay thanks, we'll be there

I can't even begin to understand how her brain works. Like in what logical world does me going to her sister's work event not cross the strict student/teacher boundary she set? In a delusional world, sure. At least it'll make Sofia beyond happy. I can't wait to see her face light up when I tell her we're going to go see Dani.

Dani: Wow, you're up early.
Me: i could say the same about you???
Dani: I'm a teacher, I got teacher stuff to do. What's your excuse?
Me: nightmares

It's silent for a few minutes, no response.
I probably made her feel awkward, it's quite the hidden talent I have. After 10 minutes of me waiting for a response, and then another 30 minutes of me getting distracted and scrolling on tiktok for way too long, I finally get up out of bed.

I make my way to the kitchen and turn on my coffee maker, because that's the only way I get through any day. Or as none of the poets would say: a coffee a day keeps nothing away, but it sure helps me through the day. Damn, I should become a poet.

I make my coffee and then scroll on my phone while drinking it. Because I can't function before I have coffee in my system. Someone knocks on the front door as I'm finishing my coffee. I frown and walk over. The mailman doesn't usually knock, unless there's a package.

I open the door just to discover there's no one there, but there is a Dunkin box on the floor.
I look around before picking up the box and bringing it inside. What is happening? Did they deliver at the wrong address?

I place it on the kitchen counter and open it. The room immediately fills with the aroma of donuts. It smells amazing. There's something written on the top part of the box.

" Sorry about the nightmare, hope this helps!
Ps: save one for Sofia please ツ "

Is this why she didn't respond?
Why would she do that?

I'm beyond confused.
And frustrated.
But, thankful.
Emotional, if you want.
I've never had anyone show me they care like this.

I grab my phone and open my messages. I click on our conversation. Should I text her? Or call maybe? Calling is better, right? Or is that too much? Why am I acting like this, oh my God.

I press the call button. I grab a glazed donut and take a bite while waiting to see if she'll pick up.

Dani: Hello?

Fuck, I didn't think about this part.

Me: Howled-on
She starts laughing.
Dani: What?

I chew as fast as I can.
Me: Hi, sorry I had food in my mouth. Anyways, I was um just wondering if you send the donuts?
Dani: Unless you told anyone else about your nightmares, then yes I did
Me: You really didn't have to, I feel bad
Dani: Feel free to save them all for Sofia if you don't want them
Me: Hey! I didn't say that

She chuckles.

Dani: Really? Then why did you call?
Me: Uh. Well, to say thank you, I appreciate it
Dani: Ofcourse, I hope you like them
Me: I do, and I'll try to leave one for Sofia but I can't make any promises
Dani: Meanie. I'll see you this afternoon, okay?
Me: Yeah, see you then
Dani: Bye
Me: Bye

She hangs up. I sigh and put my phone on the counter. I can't figure her out. She cares, shows she cares, but supposedly 'wants to keep the boundary'. I don't have a lot of brain cells, but honestly even an orangutan couldn't understand this, and they're the smartest animals alive.


Sofia's been up for about 2 hours now. She doesn't know yet that we're seeing Dani today.
I told her I got the donuts, because she wouldn't understand if she knew Dani sent them. She was so ecstatic when she saw the donuts.

She immediately took the pink one with sprinkles. I took a picture of her eating it. Her mouth was covered in pink icing and sprinkles, but she had a twinkle of happiness in her eye, and that's literally what I do everything for.

She's on the couch watching her dog channel right now, while I'm doing some cleaning around the house. She's been bugging me all morning because she wants to put her Halloween costume on, then threw a fit when I told her she had to wait.

I put the last stuff away, before joining her on the couch.

"Oh, Sofia guess what?"
"Can I finally put my costume on?"
"No. Guess again."
"I don't care, Saylor."

She looks back at the tv and shrugs her shoulders.

"Alright. I guess you don't wanna know we're going to go see Dani before trick-or-treating today."

She immediately turns her head towards me, "are we really?" I nod. She jumps in my arms and hugs me in excitement. Then stands up on the couch and starts jumping with her arms in the air.

I get my phone and record her. After she plops down, I send the video to Dani. 'Someone's excited to see you.' I put my phone back down and decide to get ready for today.

I shower then put on my outfit I picked out for the event. I went with something more dressed up than usual. Just beige dressed pants and a white button up cardigan. Nothing too fancy.
I blow dry my hair and straighten it. I put on some makeup and call it a look.

I head out of the bathroom to get Sofia. She frowns when she sees me. "What? Not good?"
She shakes her head. "What Halloween costume is that Saylor?" I chuckle while reaching out for her hand. "I'm not dressing up yet, silly. I'll change after." She grabs my hand and we walk over to the bathroom.

She showers while I get everything ready for her.
She made sure to let me know that she did not want dressy clothes, but insisted on wearing her Halloween costume to the event. So that's exactly what we're doing.

She puts on her adorable unicorn Halloween costume after she's all dried off, and decides on piggy's for her hair. After that we put on her dog tail, ears and paws and I finish with her makeup.

She looks adorable. We head back to the living room and I take some pictures of her. I notice a notification from Dani, she liked the picture I send her of Sofia. I smile and then put my phone away.

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