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(POV Dani)

I'm pacing back and forth in my living room. After what felt like forever, Lainey walks through the front door. Finally. She runs in, "okay what's the emergency?" I look up at her.

"Oh my god, Danielle, what did you do?"

She sits down on the couch. "Talk. Now."

"Ezra said she was worried about Saylor weeks ago, so I might've kept an eye on her. Saylor had no clue. Ezra was right, Saylor's doing horrible. Not eating, not sleeping, not singing, doing the bare minimum in her classes, her artwork is beautiful but depressing. Sophia called, said Saylor's been sad ever since Halloween. So I figured I'd try to talk to Saylor about it."

Lainey shakes her head. "Bad idea?" I nod.
"What's the emergency?"

"I might or might not plan on going to LA without her knowing. I need someone to watch Oakley."


"Sis, Sophia's going. How is she gonna do her internship while taking care of Sophia? She's exhausted already."
"You're just worried about Sophia?"
"Dani, if and I'm saying if, you do this. Then what? You already changed your mind once. You do it again and you will ruin her."
"I know."
"Alright. Just drop Oakley off. With her food please."
"Thank you, sis, so so much."
"Just don't screw it up this time, I've had you over more times these past few months than I have the past few years. I mean I love you, but I have a life."

I sarcastically put my hand on my heart. "Auwch"
She laughs and shakes her head.

"Don't you have a plane ticket to purchase?"
I smile at her. "You already did, didn't you?"
I nod as she throws a pillow at my head.


It's 4 AM when I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I sit straight up, it's today or never I say to myself. I get up and get ready. Plane departures at 8. I put on sweatpants and a comfy sweatshirt.
I grab my suitcase and get all of Oakley's stuff.

I feel bad leaving her, but if this works she'll forever praise me because she'll have her bestest friend back. No, not me, Sophia. She whines at the door they slept in at least once a day. It's annoying.

We get in the car and drive to Lainey's. I open the front door and let Oakley in. Ben greets us, he thinks I have a trip for school. I thank him and walk out, Lainey was still sleeping.

I drive to the airport, with a stomach full of anxiety and butterflies at the same time.

Do I have a plan? No.
A place to stay? Also no.
Do I know for a fact she is going to be pissed? Ha, jokes on me.

I pull in the parking lot and park. I get a ticket so I can pay it when I get back. I get my suitcase out and head to the terminal.


After going through security and checking in, me and my carry-on are now at the departing gate.
I keep checking for a glimpse of them, but nothing yet. I sat in a corner so they couldn't really notice me. After what feels like forever and no sight of them, they started boarding. I head up when I hear my group and wait in line.

Once I enter the actual plane, I start to rethink my decision. Not because I regret it, but because I have a seat right next to them. Yes, I am that petty. I found the flight information in her file at school, and might have reached out to the airport to get a seat next to them.

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