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(POV Saylor)

She actually told me, straight to my face, that she likes me. She set aside the boundary she made so many times, and I don't know how to respond.
I have thought about this so many times, thinking about the what ifs, thinking about her, thinking about the words she speaks, the actions she performs. And now here we are.


I fix my gaze back on her, she looks worried.
"Yes, sorry, I was just in my head. I- um, well I like you too, obviously. I'm just, you know, uh- a little overwhelmed because, uh- I didn't think you would tell me that. I honestly thought you were going to tell me that we couldn't hang out anymore or..- something."

I take a deep breath in, close my eyes and then breathe back out. Better. I open my eyes again and look straight into hers.

"So, now what?" She sighs, "I don't know. But, we'll figure it out."

I nod, "okay."

I shuffle in my seat, I don't want this to become awkward now. I don't know how this works, I don't know what to do, or say. I fidget with the blanket while letting my thoughts take over.

She grabs my hand, I look up at her and give her a small smile. She opens her arms, I let her embrace me without hesitating. I didn't know I had been longing for this feeling ever since she first hugged me. The feeling of comfort, of protection, of safety. Something I've never had, something I've never truly felt.

I shift my body to be more comfortable and so does she, no questions asked, it feels natural.
I rest my head on her chest while laying on my side right next to her, she's on her back with her right arm tucked under her head, yet she never let go of me. She's still holding me tight with her left arm. I smile and scoot closer to her.

"You smell good."
"Why thank you."
"Also your chest is comfy."
"Uh-uh I bet."
"Just giving you a compliment."
"A compliment coming from you? You're a changed woman."

I smile while looking up at her, she looks down to meet my gaze. She lifts her head and plants a small kiss on my forehead. I smile and move my head back down. "Well someone likes forehead kisses." I shoot her a side-eye, she has an amusing grin on her face. "No comment."

She sits up, moving my head from her chest. "Hey!" She looks at me with the same amusing look on her face, "excuse me, I was actually quite comfortable right there." She laughs, "really now?" I nod, "you ruined it."

"Hmm, well here's a deal." She grabs me by my waist and puts me on her lap instead. "If you admit to liking forehead kisses, I'll let you lay back down on my chest." She looks so proud of herself after saying that, yet her hands never left my waist. I cross my arms, and put a thinking face on. "Or, you know, I can just force you to admit it." I raise my eyebrow, "and how do you thi-"

She lifts her hands from my waist and starts tickling me in a flash, this is so incredibly unfair.
I yell stuff like "no!" "dani!" "stop it!" in between the tickling and laughing, but she's really not budging. "Okay! Alright! Fine, fine. I like forehead kisses. Now stop torturing me."

She stops tickling me, I catch my breath before meeting her staring eyes. "I love your laugh."
I squint my eyes, "that's because you forced it out of me." She shrugs her shoulders.

"You better make it up. I'm waiting."
"Oh really, waiting for what exactly?"
Now I'm the one shrugging my shoulders.
She slowly puts her hands back on my waist and turns to the edge of the couch so her feet are on the ground with me still on top of her.
"I might have an idea."
"Oh really. Care to share?"

She gets up, which makes me get up with her.
I put my feet back on the ground and frown, she laughs and then grabs my hand and brings me to the kitchen. I lean on the kitchen counter watching her every move. She turns the coffee machine on before grabbing a cup. She's making me coffee?

"Another one? Oh my, you're spoiling me."
She laughs, "you're so weird."
"Yes ma'am." She turns around and gives me a 'seriously?' look. I give her a big smile, which she shakes her head to. "Don't ma'am me."
"Got it. Ma'am."
"So sorry."
"You're done."

I try to run, but I never gave PE a try, which I 100% regret now. She grabs my hand and swings me around. I run into her chest, she's quite strong. I take a step back, "oops." She laughs, "really Saylor, oops?" "Well it's not my fault you're that strong." She chuckles, "we all know that's not why you did that, you just like bumping into my chest." She winks and then lets go of me to get my coffee.

Bold. But two can play that game. I sit down on the high chair while watching her.

"Yeah you're right, I do like your chest actually, wonder what's underneath the pj's I gave you, but you know, I have a pretty good imagination."

She turns around with a light blush on her cheeks and hands me my coffee. "Thank you so much, you beautiful creature." I lift an eyebrow and take a sip of my coffee.

"I know what you're doing, you won't win."
"What I'm doing? You mean complimenting you?"
"You're playing a game."
"No, I just really love complimenting you, and your chest ofcourse."
"That's all?"
I nod.
She steps closer to me and grabs my coffee.
"Um, I was drinking that."
She puts it down on the kitchen counter, "I'm aware." I cross my arms. "May I have that back please, you kind soul." She frowns and then laughs before coming as close as she possibly can.

Her upper thighs hit my knees, she opens my legs with her hands before putting them on my thighs instead and standing in between them. She keeps eye contact as she moves closer and closer. She moves her hands up and rests them on my waist while moving me forward to the edge of my seat. Her chest is only inches away, but I'm looking at her instead.

Her lips are inches away, my heart's not sure whether to try and keep up with the beating or to just stop. "Dani, I-" I mumble while trying to seek for an answer as to what she's doing, or about to do. My breathing's muffled. She moves her head and passes mine, she brings her lips to my ear.

"I told you you'd lose this game."

What? That's what we're doing?

She moves her head away from my ear and faces me with a small smile on her face. She slightly pulls away, but I grab her waist with my hands and pull her back towards me. She looks surprised. I keep my eye-contact, waiting to see if she'll make a move, any move, but it doesn't look like she is. I bring my head closer to hers, my forehead slightly touches hers, our noses make contact. I close my eyes for a second and enjoy this moment. We both open our eyes at the same time, her eyes are searching mine. I move my head to her ear, my cheek brushes against hers, "I'm a sore loser."

I get up from my chair and try to walk passed her. "I don't think so", she grabs my arm and spins me around. Her hands move quickly to my cheecks, she looks into my eyes and gives me a small smile before pressing her lips on mine.
I return the kiss without hesitating, her lips are soft, sweet, and fit perfectly on mine. I put my hands on her back and bring her closer to me.

The kiss started slow, passionately, something we've both thought about, something we both wanted, something that was unavoidable. But right now, I want more of her, I need more of her.

The kiss is more intense, faster, yet just as passionate. Our breathing's fast, my hands are squeezing her back, her hand moved to the back of my head, tangled in my hair while the other one's still cupping my cheek.

We both leave each other's lips to catch a breath, our foreheads took over our need to touch, she smiles and I smile back. She moves a strand of hair and tucks it behind my ear before giving me another kiss on my forehead.

"You kissed me."
"Yeah I did, didn't I?"

I give her a shy smile and feel my cheeks turning red. She puts her finger underneath my chin and moves it up. "Can I kiss you again?" I smile and nod.

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