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Sunday went by pretty fast, I slept in and then went to go get Sofia. She told me all about the sleepover. They watched Frozen, ate ice-cream ánd candy, and then they slept in Luna's bunk bed. Once we were home, I put all her stuff away, did laundry and then made us lunch.

Sofia was begging me to go to Dani's during lunch, so I compromised (I didn't, I told her Dani wasn't answering my texts) and told her we could go to the park instead. So that's where we're headed right now.

I sit down on a bench and watch Sofia run off to the swingset. This exact day last week is where Dani and I first met. Kind of funny, considering she was a bitch a week ago, and then switched it up completely in the span of a few days. And now we're on not-speaking terms again. Well, on my side.

Sure, she's my English teacher, but she doesn't feel like one. She's young, so she feels more like just a human being I met at the park, and not as a teacher in school. Which I shouldn't even have been in in the first place. I should've graduated by now. But if I let myself give in, I'll start trusting her. And I'll open up. And it'll break me eventually. Because no person has ever stayed. Everyone I've ever trusted, is now a stranger with all my secrets. Each scar holds a memory of them.

Sofia played for a good hour, before she was getting tired. We head home so she can take a nap. Once we're home, I tell her to shower first, before taking a nap. She heads to the bathroom and I get out my phone.

"Hey Ez, do u wanna come over to start our English assignment?"
"Sure! Send me ur address."

I text her my address and then help Sofia shower and get dressed. I tuck her in and leave her door ajar. I clean some stuff up, and get out a few snacks. Ezra gets here not long after.

"So, what were you thinking of doing?"
"Girl I have no idea, but I need good grades. You're lucky you missed class on friday, she was so bitchy."
"Sofia keeps asking to go see her again."
"Are you going to?"
"I don't know. She's almost my age. And my teacher. It makes it weird. But it's also so hard to say no to Soof."

I laugh, and so does Ezra.

We start working on our project, which we decided to do about climate change. A broad, but mostly easy subject, plus the information isn't too hard.

After about an hour and a half, we agreed to take a break. We researched a ton of information already, and started making our powerpoint.

Ezra and I are drinking coke and eating chips while talking about yesterday. She's telling me about the guy that Tate went up to. Apparently he's a nerd, he was like 25 and is studying something NASA science related stuff.

I'm cracking up on Ezra trying to do the guy's impression as Sofia walks in.

"Saylor who is this?" She rubs her eyes, clearly still tired. She walks over and wants up on my lap. I pick her up, "This is Ezra, remember I told you I do have friends." She frowns.

"Miracles do exist." I open my mouth in shock, while Ezra starts cracking up. She holds her hand out to Sofia, and Sofia returns the high-five.

"Unbelievable." I shake my head, but then start laughing with them.

We finished our powerpoint at around 6 pm.
I asked Ezra if she wanted to stay for dinner, but she already told her parents she'd eat at home. She said goodbye and left.

Sofia and I had mashed potatoes and chicken for dinner. She was exhausted, so she fell asleep while watching her dog channel not much longer after dinner. I picked her up and put her in bed. Good thing I made her shower earlier today.

I'm sitting on the couch right now, it's only 8.30pm so it's too early to go to bed.
I'm on my phone scrolling on instagram,
I like some pictures from the group this weekend and comment on them. As I'm scrolling, I get a notification that Ezra just made a post and tagged me in it. I click on it and see some pictures, but the last one's a video. A video of me singing at the bar.

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