Drowning Drowning, Sinking Sinking

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🤍>>"What kind of paper Mario BS is this??"

As of now, you have no clue where you are.
You could still see yourself (thank god), except the place  your in is all blurry n' black. Ew. You could hear faintly quiet whispers from the darkness. You can't seem to pin-point where there coming from.

And after all of that hassle, you STILL have no clue what this so called "bOsS" looks like! Not to mention it was (probably) your only chance to!

You can still hear, however, your hearing keeps going on and off like a light switch. Thanks to this, you could only here some words of Bandu and Bambi's conversation with "boss." It wasn't really that much of an issue, as you could assume some things of what was happening. But that wasn't the weird part.

What was weird is that you could hear this "boss" guy word for word! It wasn't as chopped up as Bambi or Bandu. On a side note, can't even begin to explain how weird this so called "boss" talks.  You could hear them fluently, but can't make out a single word! It's like they're speaking alien!

...are they aliens?

Your question comes to a pause as someone starts laughing out of nowhere. Shivers immediately go down your spine as you slightly arch your back from sudden reaction.

??>"j00Z |<|\|0\/\/... j00Z'r3 Ph4(3 1$ 4$ pU|\|(|-|4BL3 4$ j00r p3r$0|\|4L17'/."

🌽💢>"...ONE TO TALK. .....weren't the size of Mars right now....I would KICK YOUR ASS!"

🍬🟩>"BA....SHUT UP!"

Your not even going to sugarcoat it, they sound very stupid. If only they could hear what you hear right now.

You would keep listening in, but those random echoes that are starting to get annoying. Honestly you wouldn't be surprised if you just stepped into some fantasy horror movie.

You realize a there's a glowing red shade below your body.

A portal?
Why would a portal be in a place like this?

The more you look at it, the bigger it gets. The whispers from before get louder to. A gut feeling tells you to cautious, but you brush it off. You turn back around to boredom as you painfully wait for Bandu to take you back.

🤍>>"..that was definitely not there a second ago."
Looking at your arm, you see a shadow like hand grabbing you by the wrist. You try pulling it off, but it won't budge. Your annoyance gets the best of you as you try to force it off.
You look down to find out the hands are emerging from the portal; it's only been a minute and it has already covered your whole leg.

Stress starts to creep up as you find out the hard way of trusting your gut.
It's not until fear takes over completely as you start being DRAGGED DOWN INTO THE PORTAL.

Your fight or flight response kick in as you struggles and kick your way out of their grasp. Some of them grab off, only to grab on again and make their grip tighter. You could feel claws digging into your skin as you clenched your teeth in pain. Not matter how much power you put in, they react with nothing. The whispers grow louder.

You'd slowly lose your consciousness as your body is slowly and painfully dragged into the portal. Half you're body is now covered in hands as you're force into this acid-like portal. You feel waves of pain and drowsiness as you go through it.

You'd scream, but nothing comes out.
Tears starting to form out of your eyes.
Punching, kicking, screaming over and over again.
Nothing is working.
Whispers are ringing in your ears.
You can't feel your arms, they're bound together by force.
Half of your body is in pain as you're almost submerged.
Tears start to fall.
You give one last effort, but no avail. You don't have the strength to fight back anymore.

Tears roll down you cheeks as you take your last breath as hands cover your mouth.
Open your eyes one last time, you accept your fate, and lose consciousness.

A voice over powers the whispers.

??>"5|-|4/\/\3.. 70ur f473 |5 45 \/\/0r7|-||_355 45 70u 4r3."

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