Kitarni being strong willed, had disobeyed the rules and gone to shipwreck cove again as she heard there was a new ship wreck.

She was obsessed with human things and her heart wanted to know more but it was forbidden.

All human books and books about humans had been destroyed by Triton.

Anything to do with them was banned to avoid any curiosity.

This didn't stop Kitarni though, it fascinated her more. She swam to shipwreck cove, bringing Flower, her Dolphin best friend.

Kitarni was a descendant of mine and despite her recklessness, I admired her passion.

I always took delight in watching her antics that would rile up Triton and Lysander. Triton was more laid back than Lysander, who worried more. Triton knew things would work out in the end as they did for Ariel and Melody.

He saw Lysander making the mistakes that he once had but knew better than to tell him different, despite efforts in trying, Lysander wasn't prepared to change his mind. Triton knew that he was going to learn the hard way and sooner or later, he was going to lose Kitarni.

I watched intently as Kitarni swam into ship wreck cove, Flower following close behind.

This reminded me of the times that I used to watch her grandmother Ariel do the same thing. She loved to visit the ship wrecks, much to Triton's dismay.

Something about them fascinated the both of them. It told them more about a world they couldn't have imagined. A world where they both dreamed of going.

Putting herself in danger and not caring about the consequences.

Kitarni swam over to shipwreck cove and began swimming into the ships that had been run aground.

"Kit, I don't think that this is a good idea." Flower said if almost like an angel on her shoulder.

"Oh Flower. What is the worst that can happen? There are no humans here." Kitarni returned before swimming away from Flower.

"I don't see how a world that makes such beautiful things could be bad." Kitarni sighed softly resting on an old cannon, sliding her fingers over the grooves of the cannon. How ironic.

"Come on Kitarni. Let's go please. Mama hates it when I am late for our evening swim." Flower urged, looking around at the things feeling frightened. She wasn't as curious as Kitarni, she was happy doing the safe thing.

"Oh, you guppy. You are no fun." Kitarni smirked. "I am not a guppy." Flower whined. "Nope. You are. It's okay." Kitarni giggled.

Flower swam to her side and flicked her with her tail. "I am not." She groaned. "Fine. You're not." Kitarni laughed.

"Please can we go?" Flower begged.

"Fine, Lysander would kill me if he knew that I came her again." Kitarni sighed, rolling her eyes.

Flower wiggled her tail and swiftly swam away from the ship wreckages.

They then swam back to Atlantica, laughing and chatting the entire way and as they entered the Kingdom, Lysander was standing there with two guards and his arms folded.

Kitarni smiled innocently but Lysander's disapproving scowl did not fade.

"Kitarni. Where have you been?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

She knew whenever he used her full name she was in for it. "Just exploring brother. Calm down." She soothed, attempting to swim away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"No. Kitarni. You do not tell me to calm down. I shouldn't have to stop doing my royal duties because you do not do yours." He snapped.

"My royal duties are to shake hands and kiss babies heads." She returned sarcastically, rolling her eyes and pulling her arm from his grip.

"You are a princess. It is time you start acting like one. These two guards will be with you until Alfie's wife returns later. She will be your ladies maid and then you will only need her and a guard by your side." He stated.

Kitarni's eyes filled with tears.

It did not soften Lysander's face but it did his heart. He knew that she needed to learn.

"Kit. I am not doing this to punish you or make you miserable." He said turning away from his younger sister whose eyes were filled with tears and pleading.

He felt bad but he knew it was best.

Kitarni swam quickly away from Flower who watched on sadly, feeling terrible for her. As Kitarni got to her room she rested on the bed and began sobbing as the guards went to her door and waited outside.

They were unmated and liked the thought of watching the young princess but they didn't imagine she would be this miserable.

They loved her as the entire kingdom did, they were attracted to her despite their best efforts not to stay away from their future mates who they were yet to meet.

They couldn't be blamed for their attraction to her. She was the most beautiful mermaid in all the Kingdom. Her hair was a bright blonde and her eyes, an aqua blue and her tail, the rarest of all, white with blue and purple specks through them.

All males in the kingdom would've killed to have been mated with her, she was strong, beautiful and she had great power and status.

The most desirable of mates.


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