"Graven please. That was my mate up there, let me go." Kitarni begged as Graven had his hand gripped over her arm. "No, your mate is me. That dog cannot be your mate. I am taking you back to the castle where your brother and our new King will knock some sense into you." He said, yanking her arm closer.

Suddenly it dawned on her, she had been gone for a few weeks. Lysander was the new King. She missed his coronation. Once the city of Atlantica came into view, she stopped struggling. Merfolk took notice of her return and began applauding Graven for 'rescuing' the princess.

Graven dragged Kitarni to the throne room where Lysander was with Alfie.

Lysander looked up to see who had entered the room to see his sister who had one arm over her chest in an attempt to keep herself covered. "Kit." Lysander exclaimed rushing over to Kitarni who looked broken.

Graven let go of her arm and bowed to the King and Lysander pulled Kitarni into a hug before noticing her discomfort. "Alfie, please get Meg to come and assist princess Kitarni back to her bed chambers while I speak with Graven." Alfie nodded before rushing out of the room.

"Kit. Look at me." Lysander ordered as Kitarni still hadn't looked at him.

As she looked up at her brother, she gave a pleading look. "You are home now." He said, putting his finger under her chin lifting it upward. Kitarni snatched her head away from his grip and wrapped her other arm around her, holding her hair in place to conserve her dignity.

Meg rushed in and took Kitarni's arm and led her into her room where she fell to her bed letting out sobs. Meg went over and stroked her back trying to soothe her but it didn't work. She just wanted Lucian and she thought that he hated her as she lied to him.

"Graven. Thank you for finding my sister. Where did you find her?" Lysander asked. Graven bowed again, "On land." Lysander gasped, "On land?" he questioned.

"Yes your majesty. Werewolves had kidnapped her and was forcing her into a marriage with one of them. I managed to stop it all before anything worse happened, I fear the effect it has had on her. It seemed like she didn't want to leave." Graven said, lying to the King.

"Thank you again. I think it would be best to postpone your wedding." Lysander said turning away from Graven.

"With all due respect your majesty. I think it would be better to move the wedding up. This weekend to be specific. She needs stability in order to cope with this awful situation." Graven inputted.

"I guess so." Lysander said.

Moments later, Melody and Alex rushed into the room. "Lysander, someone said they saw Kitarni. Is it true?" Melody asked, passing Graven.

"Yes mother, Graven saved her from werewolves." Lysander said, patting Graven on the shoulder. Melody turned and hugged Graven thanking him for bringing their daughter home.

"Mother please give her time before seeing her. She is in a state at the moment." Lysander warned before dismissing them. Melody nodded in respect to her son but she ignored what he had said and rushed to her room. When she went in, she noticed Kitarni crying with Meg standing nearby.

She excused Meg and went over to tap Kitarni's shoulder.

Kitarni after seeing it was her mother pulled her into a hug. "Mother. I have missed you so much." She stated, swimming up and rubbing her eyes. Melody went over and pulled a necklace for Kitarni to put on to cover herself. Melody then grabbed her tiara that Kitarni had left on the bed before she ran away.

She placed the tiara on Kitarni's head.

"I have missed you too. I am glad you have been saved from that awful place." Kitarni furrowed her brows. "What do you mean mother?" Kitarni asked turning to face her mother who had sat on her bed.

"Graven told Lysander that you were taken by wolves and was being forced to marry one of them." Melody said disgusted at the thought of it. "Mother. No, I was so happy there. I ran away on purpose, Graven is awful, he has been threatening me. So I left, and I found my mate. He is an Alpha. He is sweet and kind." Kitarni said gushing over the thought of Lucian.

"Graven kidnapped me from there and threatened to kill my mate if I didn't go with him." Kitarni said, grabbing her mother's arms. "That cannot be true. I don't believe it. Graven is a nice boy." Melody said as if trying to convince herself. "I am not lying mother and now you are all condemning me to a life of misery and abuse." Kitarni said pulling away from her mother and turning away.

Melody left the room with Kitarni's words still ringing in her head.

She didn't want to risk that Kitarni could be telling the truth but she knew that Lysander wasn't going to listen to this news. She knew that she had to try. She rushed to the throne room where Lysander was listing off plans for the wedding. "I know you went to see her mother. How was she?" Lysander asked.

Melody swam closer and looked at the mermaids. They quickly excused themselves, leaving the room to Lysander and Melody. "Lysander. I always respect your decisions, even if I don't agree with them. This decision you have made is by far the worst one and I cannot support it. Kitarni said she left willingly and found her mate on land. She said that Graven had threatened her causing her to leave. I do not want my daughter living an unhappy life. Please do not make her do this." Melody begged.

"Mother as your son, I have listened to this claim. As your King, I need to do what is best for my Kingdom and my family. There is no proof to the contrary. Graven is an amazing warrior and I will not stake the words of a stroppy teenager against it."

"Then, for the first time ever I am ashamed to be your mother." Melody spat before leaving the room.

Lysander was a good man and a good king but he was too old fashioned and wanted to stick to the rules. Having a sister like Kitarni was like being siblings with a golden retriever puppy on a short leash.

Kitarni needed freedom and Lysander needed to have a brain check. 

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