Later that evening, Kitarni had sulked herself out and continued to sit in her room day dreaming of a better life where she could be free.

A knock came at her door, snapping her out of her thoughts, she swam over and opened it, hoping it was Lysander saying he had changed his mind.

Her face dropped slowly when she saw Alfie's wife.

"Meg, nice to see you." Kitarni said, turning her back to her.

Meg was a lovely mermaid, Kitarni got on well with her but she didn't need a babysitter. Let alone two. The guard was still placed outside her door as Meg came in and closed it.

"Princess. I know you aren't a fan of this situation but let's just make the most of it. Now. Let's get you prepared for tonight." Meg said, moving towards the cupboard that held all of Kitarni's jewellery.

"What is happening tonight?" Kitarni asked, swimming over to Meg who was already elbows deep in the drawer. Meg cringed and avoided eye contact.

"Lysander, your brother and future king is holding a... ball. In hopes you would meet your mate. All males in the Kingdom and surrounding coves are required to attend." She said quietly almost as a whisper.

"I guess that is it then. I cannot spontaneously meet my mate like I have always dreamt. It will be forced like everything else in my life." Kitarni grumbled, folding her arms.

Kitarni had always dreamt about meeting her mate. She dreamt about the time, she would swim around and feel the pull of mates. She would swim around looking for him and their eyes would lock. It was the one moment she thought that couldn't be controlled.

It was a gift from the Moon Goddess.

She had remembered hearing the stories from her mother and father and King Triton, her grandfather.

They told stories of how they met their mates.

Melody never told Kitarni about Ariel.

It was forbidden to talk about. King Triton did not want people getting ideas about going to the surface and contacting humans. Kitarni never knew how connected she was to her grandmother.

As the night rolled around, Kitarni stood outsider the hall doors anxiety bubbling up inside of her.

"Mother, father. Do you really think this is necessary? I am thrilled to meet my mate. But I want to meet him on my terms. Please, do not make me do this." Kitarni begged.

Melody and Alex exchanged lost looks.

They also wanted to her to meet her mate naturally, this was forced. They hated the idea but there was nothing they could do about it.

Lysander becoming King changed things.

It was no longer Alex's and Melody's choice. Lysander had authority over Kitarni. "Kit. Lysander is doing what he thinks is best for you. With him becoming King, it his call. Trust him." Alex urged his daughter who felt as if she was being held up as a trophy.

"The doors are opening soon Kit. Straighten up." Melody said softly, stroking Kitarni's hair.

Kitarni huffed at her mother earning a disapproving look from her father.

"Now presenting, Prince Alex and Princess Melody." A voice called from behind the doors. The guards opened the double doors are Alex and Melody entered the hall, arms linked waving to the adoring crowd.

Kitarni felt lost. She didn't fit in here and hadn't ever felt as if she did.

She saw her parents and felt envious of their contentment.

They were happy living ordinary lives, yet Kitarni could not feel more opposite. Seconds later, the doors reopened after Kitarni had been announced.

As she entered the hall, she noticed all the mermen puffing their chests out and eyes widening in hopes that Kitarni was their mate.

Kitarni was one of the most if not the most beautiful of the mermaids.

Lysander then joined her side and took her arm in his to escort her.

"Kit. You must dance with all of the mermen young and old. Even if they are younger than mating age, as royal blood runs through your veins you would still be able to detect them even if they cannot sense you." Lysander said, smiling towards the crowd.

Kitarni wasn't a dancer and she really did not want to dance with strangers.

"Yes brother." Kitarni sighed.

Lysander placed a kiss on Kitarni's cheek before taking his place next to Triton and his mate.

Kitarni went to swim over to her parents before being stopped by a stranger.

He was attractive, but Kitarni already knew that he was not her mate. He bowed with a big smile on his face. "Princess Kitarni, I would be honoured if I could have your first dance of the evening." He beamed, holding his hand out for hers.

She reluctantly gave her hand as he kissed it and pulled her onto the dance floor.

He danced beautifully. His smile was inviting,, Kitarni almost seemed to enjoy herself. Her parents, King Triton and Lysander watched on approvingly.

"My name is Draven." He said, smiling sweetly.

"Hunter." Kitarni pondered. His smile got wider if physically possible. "Yes. My parents named me Draven because it means good hunter. Guess they had different plans in mind for me." He chuckled, making Kitarni feel more at peace.

She smiled back to him.

"Kitarni. You must move along." Meg whispered into her ear. She grumbled lowly earning a disapproving look from Meg. "Next up is..."

The night moved along slowly after that. Dance after dance, merman after merman. All of them wanting to show off in hopes Kitarni was their mate. Yet, none of them were.

"Kitarni, Lysander would like to speak with you." Meg said into her ear on her last dance.

Kitarni nodded and swiftly pulled away from the well-muscled merman who did nothing but chat himself up. "Yes brother." Kitarni asked hopeful that her night was over.

"Now. Please tell me you met your mate this night." Lysander said hopefully.

"No brother, I did not."

Lysander sighed, it was not the answer he had hoped to hear. "Very well sister. Do not feel disheartened, you will meet him soon." Lysander chirped.

Kitarni perked up smiling and hugged him, it was the first time in a long time he had said anything brotherly to her.

"Thank you brother. Please may I retire? All that dancing was quite exhausting." Kitarni said, batting her eyelashes at her big brother who chuckled lightly and nodded his head.

She smiled brightly and nodded.

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