Lucian roared, waking the entire the pack house. Lucian stormed out of the room and requested all pack warriors to meet him outside in the garden immediately. Within seconds, every pack warrior was waiting outside with Lucian and Lydia.

"Your Luna has been taken. By Aeron Black, most of you know as the Rogue Alpha." Lucian announced, making everyone gasp. Everyone knew Aeron Black as a villain and a kid's scary bedtime story. Lucian had dealings with Aeron before and things ended badly. When Lucian was given the Alpha title, Aeron grew dark. He was older than Lucian and wanted the power but their previous Alpha knew this and knew he wouldn't make a good Alpha.

He was weak. He was reminded of this multiple times and this lead for him to stray from his family and the societal rules of packs. He went rogue and decided to make a pack of his own without rules giving homes to rogues that didn't have one. Once Graven had given Aeron the opportunity to hurt Lucian, he didn't hesitate to take it.

It was a shame, their friendship was the stuff of legends. They were incredibly close in their childhood up until their 18th birthday when the next Alpha was chosen. This tore a rift in their relationship.

Lucian got his pack warriors and headed to the beach, they grabbed the boats and pushed them into the water. Lucian held onto Kitarni's wedding rings and kissed them looking up to the sky. 'Moon Goddess, please help me bring her home.' Lucian begged.

It was out of my hands, the wheels had been set in motion long before they were born.

They had reached Aeron Black's ship and they swiftly climbed aboard, grabbing the attention of the entire pack of Rogues. Lucian looked around and didn't see Kitarni or Aeron but felt their presence nearby. "Aeron. Get out here." Lucian roared. Upon hearing her mate, Kitarni screamed out for him making Lucian's wolf go into a frenzy, he could hear her pain and felt her emotions but there was something else about her scent which was different.

Soon, a door opened revealing Aeron. He had an evil smirk on his face as he knew the pain he had caused and was about to. He closed the door behind him, leaving Kitarni laying on the bed in her own blood. "Nice of you to finally join us. These past 15 hours have been a blast." He mocked.

As Lucian stepped closer, the rogues attacked.

Moments later, the entire pack were on their knees with a rogue or two at their side. They were outnumbered. Lucian was forced to his knees. "Where is my wife Aeron?" Lucian sneered. "Oh dear cousin. I don't think she is yours anymore. At least not until I am finished." Aeron laughed returning to his room to continue the abuse on Kitarni who screamed and writhed under him. Lucian and the pack warriors heard her cries and Lucian attempted to fight back but he was being held down.

Kitarni screamed and cried for help. She prayed to me and I sent her some energy and hope to hold on to, so she could make it through this.

Once Aeron had finished again, he pulled Kitarni to her feet. She was weak and had bled a lot. She was scared and cold. Aeron grabbed her by the back of the neck and lead her out of the room so the pack could see her. He pushed her so she landed to her knees. Lucian broke at the sight of her and Kitarni couldn't look at him in the eyes.

"Kit." He cried.

She still couldn't move her eyes. She stared at the ground that now had her blood on it and her sons. Lucian stared at her as the other pack members looked away in respect. She moved her hand to her stomach and let out a sob and that was when Lucian realised. Her scent had changed. He knew what Aeron had done. He attempted to get up to lunge for Aeron but two rogues grabbed him and held him back.

"Now. Kitarni. Any last words?" Aeron laughed before pulling Kitarni to her feet by her hair. He held a knife to her neck before stepping away, allowing her to say goodbye to Lucian.

That was when she began to sing.


The King and his men stole the queen from her bed.

And bound her in her bones.

The seas be ours and by the powers.

Where we will, we'll roam.

Kitarni sung, looking to the pack. All members stared at her and joined in her song.

Yo, ho, haul together.

Hoist the colours high.

Heave-ho, thieves and beggars.

Never shall we die.

As the song ended, Aeron took this as his chance to come forward and pull the knife across Kitarni's neck. Lucian screamed and pulled out of the rogues' grip and went to her body. She was gone. Her eyes opened, released a single tear. Lucian howled and cried making his pack warriors cry with him. They had lost their Luna.

They bowed their head as Lucian grabbed Kitarni's lifeless body and held her close. His tears fell onto her face as he gently closed her eyes.

"I will kill you." Lucian promised as he was dragged away from her body. "Throw her overboard. I am done with her now." Aeron laughed. A rogue stepped forward and lifted her dead body and threw her over board despite Lucian begging.

As her body hit the water, storm clouds appeared it began to rain. Darkness overcame everyone, the clouds were grey as were the skies.

Aeron looked to the skies as did everyone else. Shocked by the sudden weather change, Aeron continued. "Where were we? Ah, who is next?" Aeron laughed, wiping his long knife on the wooden railing. Before anything else could be said, the waves shifted.

The boat rocked violently as the storm got worse.

A Mermaid, A Prince and a PirateWhere stories live. Discover now