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Margot Robbie inBIRDS OF PREY (2020)

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Margot Robbie in



Caroline has sunk further in her seat as the discomfort in her body is starting to hit her but she thinks is not even the physical discomfort but more of the fact that everything is being displayed on screen. At least she has an interesting life to tell if she ever has kids one day.

Letting out soft sigh, looking up, as the screen brighten up starting right after she had been running through the market.

Scene opens to Caroline smiling as she exits out a door as a person is holding it open for her. "Sorry for busting in on you like that, but thanks for the shortcut. See ya."

"Oh!" Carolines waves at the person goodbye when she bumps chest with the person. Looking up to see tall man with tatto face. "There she is. Harley Quinn."

"Yeah?" Caroline had a worried expression as she looked up at the man. "I've waited a long time for this."

"Twenty bucks is someone she pissed off," whispers Clint to the scarlet witch sitting next to him. Wanda shakes her head, "Yeah, no."

Wanda was not stupid enough to bet something she knew she, was going to lose. Given that the cheerful blonde had a track record of pissing people off, she no doubts has alot of enemies more coming. Tony tilts his head, "You still pissing people off hermonie?"

Caroline shrugs as she nods slightly. "Comes with a job description, doesn't it?"

"Touche," murmurs Tony back. Steve looks at her with a bit of worry in his eyes. "You should still be careful."

"I guess," replies Caroline but there isn't much she could do as it is in the literal job description of her being spy or "black widow" assissan. Out of the things out there she just hopes that the red room doesn't come back to anyone.

Yes, they got rid of it but who isn't to say someone else will bring right back up?

"You have?" Caroline smiles through her teeth as she has a worried expression on her face. Caroline slumps as she takes little steps in place. "Oh, I haven't had breakfast yet. What did I do to you?"

"Are you serious? Look at my face. Look at my face!" Camera zooms in, on the man's face as purple X are drawn over his eyes. NAME: HAPPY! Scene cuts to flashback to Caroline and the Joker give the man a tattoo. GRIEVANCE: COSEMETIC VANDALISM!

Scene cuts back to the present as Caroline had realization look on her. "Oh. That wasn't me."

"But you dared him to do it," replies the man with an angry look on him. Caroline shakes her head as she puts her hand out in exaggeration. "Yeah, but I dare a lot of people to do a lot of things, okay? Come on. I'm not even with him anymore."

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