viii. reunion

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Margot Robbie inSUICIDE SQUAD, BARBIE,THE SUICIDE SQUAD (2016, 2023, 2021)

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Margot Robbie in
THE SUICIDE SQUAD (2016, 2023, 2021)



[ 21 YEARS LATER ]   

Clint glances at Natasha, "I'm assuming this right after the airport fight."

The avengers (minus thor and bruce banner) winced at that, since it was not their best moment. Tony caught Steve's gaze as he mumbled out a small apology which Steve returned. They have a lot to work on as a team but they will do their best. Although the fight was forgotten the moment they arrived as all worried as they were brought moments before that it was announced that Tony to being beam up to space.

The redhead assassin nodded at the archer's statement. Curiosity came out of the supernatural group as what airport fight? There were a few moments mentioned especially noticing the discomfort that came from Sharon. Their curiosity was brought up by Bonnie. "Airport fight?"

The archers sigh thinking he should have just stayed home with his family. Tony turns to the green-eyed witch who gazes shift between all of them. "We all fought each other because of a disagreement."

The supernatural group nodded at that, they still held some sort of confusion but they shook it off as they glanced back at the screen. Chuck murmurs quietly to the ex-jester but seeing her eyes she is still the jester, just on her own terms now. "Disagrement?"

"Is a long story but most of them are wanted," murmurs the blonde referring to how early when Bruce called out how Steve and Bucky for being on the run, had went beyond the simple disagreement that they state it is.

Natasha lifts her head up as her eyes are glossy, filled up with tears. There is a slight muffled shouting from afar. Natasha glances down the sink as a subtle gunshot is heard. Natasha turns the tap on the faculet as she splashes water on her face. She wipes her face dry with a napkin as light sniffles come out of her as she intensely stares at herself in the mirror.

Natasha grabs her phone with security feed playing of Ross and a SWAT team searching a building.

"Tier 1 has LOS!"
"We've got all exits covered "
"Alright. Stay alert."
"I'm sending in an alpha squad."

Wanda held back a scoff as she bitterly crossed her arms. "Can not believe we all fought each other because of that old man and the government wanted to restrict us."

The avengers nodded at her words as Bruce (banner) and Thor were still lost. Loki glances at his old enemies, "Why are the avengers being restricted?"

"We are earth's mightiest heroes, we need to be respected." Stated the god of thunder in complete confusion wondering why the avengers were being treated that way. Steve sighs as it was very complicated but he has a brief answer, "Not to everyone. Is a conversation for another time."

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