vi. denial

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lyrics by Billie EilishEVERYTHING I WANTED

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lyrics by Billie Eilish


TW: sex, graphic violence, child trafficking, and much more graphic details of the red room. please stop reading if you feel uncomfortable, take care of yourself first!


[ OHIO, 1995 ]

"You, were eleven?" Steve glanced at Natasha who was staring at the screen. Natasha turned to face Steve, "I was ten, turning elven later in the year."

The avengers nodded at that as Clint looked at the other two blondes, "What about you two?"

The ex-jester glanced at the redhead because she isn't sure how much the team knows about the redhead's upbringing. Natasha nodded signaling it was fine for her to speak, "Seven, turning eight later in the year."

Yelena did not move up from her seat, "Six."

A little girl with blue hair riding her bike, down the street as she observed her surroundings. Riding down the street as the little girl waved at her neighbors who greeted her back, "Hey, Nat!"

The avengers all had their jaws on the floor. Natasha was always very quiet and not crazy when it comes to fashion or hairstyles but the fact she had blue hair made them all surprised. Tony looks at Natasha with a teasing smile, "Looking good with that blue hair, red."

Natasha did not reply but had a small smile on her face. The supernatural group and gotham crew all stayed quiet observing the exchange between the redhead and the heroes.

Stefan looks at his best friend or ex-best friend, everything has not been the same since she left. "Did you dye your hair as well?"

Caroline glanced up at her old friend, "No. I wanted to do pink but I wasn't allowed to."

Yelena pouted that, "I wanted purple, but only Natasha was allowed because she was the eldest."

Natasha rolled her eyes while Yelena stuck her tongue at her. The ex-jester muttered slowly but it was heard by everyone, "Yet, you both call me the dramatic one."

Everyone stared at them in amusement as the screen continued to play. Everyone is too busy to see the turmoil in the ex-jester. Her identity was stripped away from her, the memories of the past is what she carries through everything she does.

The blue haired girl turned in the driveway as she left her bike there. Running into the back yard as she whistles, hearing two different tones whistle back to her. Where the camera moves showing a little blonde girl swinging on the swing and a little brunette girl running around. Natasha whistles as she walks closer to the blonde and the brunette; Caroline and Yelena, whistles back.

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