Chapter two

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Pushing back a strand of dark hair, Paige peered through the open doorway. She was early and only the teacher – Ms. Schade – and three other students were present at this time. Sulking away from the door, she glanced down at her watch. The numbers glowed back at her, revealing she had a few minutes before the warning bell rang for fourth period.

Another student, a girl with ridiculously bright red hair, stalked past, briefly glancing at Paige as she entered. There was a question in her pale eyes, one she didn't care enough to ask, but one Paige knew she had to be thinking.

Why was there this weird girl sulking by the door?

Squaring her shoulders, and squashing the nervous butterflies in her stomach, she followed the redhead through the threshold. As she walked through the door, she could feel it. Magic oozed from the people within the room. It was powerful and intoxicating. She shook her head to clear the magic away.

The teacher was a middle-aged lanky woman with hair darker than even Paige's, although she had some streaks of silver mixed in. It wasn't a natural colour, but with her multiple silver bulky pendants, it suited her well.

Paige never even had the chance to hunt out a desk before Ms. Schade called her over to her desk. She stood as Paige approached and offered a small smile.

"Welcome, Paige," she said. Her eyes were kind, and almost the colour as the storm last night had been. "I do hope Purefin High is treating you well."

Paige lifted her shoulders. While this school wasn't ideal, she hasn't become public enemies with anyone as of yet. "Too soon to tell."

Ms. Schade nodded. "Fair enough."

As she spoke, Paige glanced around the room. It was slowly filling with students, who took the opportunity to gossip amongst themselves. There were hard-wooden benches with two stools stationed at each desk. To the far side of the room were a row of lockers and near the window on the side of the room were washers and basins. Beyond there were tall pantries with jars and vials with weeds and funky liquid behind locked glass-doors.

"Students are required to bring their own supplies."

Paige glanced back at the teacher, silent as Ms. Schade continued.

"I sent out a list of supplies and required reading materials to your father a few weeks ago. Did you not receive it?"

"Sorry," Paige said. She briefly remembered Shane emailing her the list a week ago but she never even opened the file. "I must have forgotten. With the move and all, it's been really hectic."

Up until a month ago, Shane lived in this fancy condo downtown. Paige only left Solace Academy on occasion, but when it was decided Paige would move home for good, Shane sold his condo and brought a large Spanish-styled house. It was still being renovated and there were still boxes left to be unpacked.

"I'm sure," Ms. Schade said, her tone filled with empathy. She turned to her large desk, riffled in the top drawer and came away with a single piece of paper. She handed it to Paige. "You need to bring the required materials with you to class." She gestured to the lockers at the back of the room. "You can keep your materials in one of the lockers. This room will be unlocked at all times, so you are free to come and retrieve whatever you need."

Paige looked over the list briefly. Most seemed general, most of which she already owned. Cauldron, healing crystals, incense, anointing oil, along with a detailed list of herbs and other potion ingredients. Paige had crushed bones at home, she even had willow bark, but she had no clue what patchouli was.

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