Chapter twenty-five

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***Hey guys, only a few more chapters left. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think***

"I still think we shouldn't do this," Kendall said taking one long glance at the school building before turning back to Paige, the seatbelt locking in place and restricting her movements. "We should lay low. Call in sick. I dunno. But we shouldn't just go back to school like nothing happened."

Paige had a faint smile on her face as she unfastened the seatbelt and opened the door. She stepped out of the BMW her dad let her borrow for the time being, Kendall quick to match her movements. "The devoted bookworm actually wants to play hooky. I don't believe it."

"It's not a game," Kendall hissed, following Paige to the main doors, keeping her voice low as they weaved around fellow students hustling to get inside. "Aaron . . ." Before Kendall could say anything more, Paige reached out and placed a hand over her mouth, sealing her unspoken words.

"No," Paige hissed, half-dragging Kendall off the paved footpath before she finally retracted her hand. "Don't say anything yet. It's better if he doesn't know anything's amiss." Her eyes darted across the parking lot to a blue convertible. Tess lingered by the open passenger door, Aaron was half-leaning inside his expensive vehicle, smiling at whatever Tess was saying.

Kendall followed her eyes, paling visibly as she first got a real look at Aaron since the car wreck. "You think he can hear us?"

"Probably." Paige shifted her backpack on her shoulders and walked back towards the main entrance. "It wouldn't surprise me."

Paige followed Kendall to her locker and watched silently as Kendall ruffled through her locker, desperately trying to recall whereabout in her schoolwork she was up to. Taking most of last week off seemed to derail her slightly. "I need to hand in the essay for Ms. Schade on teleportation methods." She glanced sideways at Paige, her iron-straight brown hair an unusual look for a girl who never bothered with makeup. Paige rather liked it. "It was due Thursday. I hope she accepts it late."

Paige shrugged and leaned against a nearby locker. "I'm sure she will. You were in the hospital."

Kendall nodded too quickly. Her despair with the thought of getting a bad grade seemed almost pathetic, but Paige didn't mention it. Instead, Paige said, "Don't worry, Kendall. Ms. Schade is fairly understanding."

"You got your essay?"

Paige shook her head, trying to keep a smile off her face. "Never even started it."

Kendall stopped trying to wiggle two textbooks together and turned to Paige. "We were given the assignment two weeks ago."

"Grades aren't really my priority."

Kendall's smile withered away. "Because of Aaron?"

"Partially, but I've never really been much for school."

"You'll get into trouble."

Paige shrugged, flinching slightly when Kendall suddenly slammed her locker shut, the sound causing her heartrate to increase. She really needed to get a grip. She can't be frightened with every sudden sound. "Wouldn't be the first time."

The bell sounds and Paige noticed the flash of fear cloud Kendall's eyes. "Hey," Paige said in a soft tone. She knew where the fear came from. Kendall would be off, on her own, in a school with a draugr. A monster. A murderer. "Just relax, okay? Just breathe and keep your head down."

With a shaky breath, Kendall nodded. Her eyes still glistened with fear and uncertainty, but she scurried off to her first period. Keeping her own reassuring words orbiting her mind, Paige went off to her first class. She knew that when Aaron was concerned, unlike Kendall, she couldn't really keep her head down. But for the time being, she had to at least try.

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