Chapter twenty-two

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***Hey guys, hope you like this new chapter. Not sure about it, so we'll see how it goes. As always, share, vote and follow me. Thanks***

It took two days to finally find the last piece of glass in Paige's hair. She hoped Kendall wasn't facing a similar problem, but since Paige's hair was longer and thicker, she doubted it.

Through the doctors, she finally learned that Kendall had been discharged from the hospital after just a single day. The doctors didn't have as many concerns about Kendall that they did Paige. Still worried about her semi-panic attack when she was admitted and the nasty cut along her arm, Paige's discharged was denied for at least another day.

There wasn't much to do in that time, aside from adding minutes on her phone bill, but considering the circumstances, she didn't think her dad would mind that much. Almost dying really tied up the phone line.

Heather was concerned and wanted to skip classes for the week, but Shane and Paige were against that. Heather worked hard to get into that university and she couldn't blow her GPA. It wasn't worth it, so she settled for a few long phone calls instead.

Finn seemed to love the idea of the car being crushed. His tune quickly changed when a disgruntled and irritated Paige disconnected the call a few times. While she never revealed to Heather or Finn the cause of the accident – she was still holding the two detectives at arm's length too – she disagreed that it was a miracle that neither she nor Kendall had been killed. They were alive because Aaron allowed it.

After three days of hospital food, Paige was ecstatic to leave the hospital wing with her dad in toe. In the lobby, Shane paused to speak to Doctor Vince once more. The doctor gave Shane strict instructions about the bandages wrapped around Paige's arm, keep them dry and clean. Come back in a few days and he'll check how the wound is healing, maybe even remove the stitches too.

While Shane asked a few more questions, Paige wandered off to a nearby vending machine. This machine had been a lifeline recently, the hospital food wasn't eatable, so it was practically potato chips and granola bars for the last few days.

Purchasing a final berry granola bar for the trip home, Paige sensed a slightly familiar werewolf's magic. She made a show of ignoring Detective Stone as she reached inside the machine for her snack. The detectives were persistent, she'd give them that.

"Finally home time?" Detective Megi spoke.

"Yeah," Paige answered dryly, pulling back the wrapper and taking a large chunk out of the granola bar.

"How are you feeling?" Detective Stone asked, peering at the bandages that peeked out from under the sleeve of her shirt. Paige definitely had to remember to go for long sleeves for the time being, especially if she had to go back to school tomorrow, but given the circumstances, she was convinced she could get another sick day out of her dad. Tomorrow was Friday anyway. No point returning to school for a single day after a stint in the hospital.

"Still hurts like a bitch." While her body no longer ached with each breath she took, she still needed help this morning to slip her arm through the sleeve of her shirt. Tonight proved to be troubling, especially since she no longer had a nurse to help with this factor, and no matter what, she would not ask her dad to help dress her.

Detective Stone's eyes were watchful, weary. It was then Paige decided she needed to be cautious with this detective. Stone was suspicious. She had every right to be, considering the state Kendall's vehicle must be in, but the last thing Paige needed at the moment was to be investigated by a bunch of detectives.

Detective Stone's nostrils flared as she took in Paige's scent. It felt like an invasion of privacy, but Paige didn't mention it. "We had the wreckage of the vehicle thoroughly scanned," she began again, continuing despite Paige's muffled groan of annoyance. "Like us, they were baffled. We're still trying to determine what you ran into."

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