Chapter eleven

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Paige tightened up her laces and watched as the rest of the class vanished from the court. Basketballs were left scattered around and were in the process of being rounded up by students.

After securing her new sneakers in place, Paige followed the trail of students through the doors, and instead of turning left towards the locker rooms, Paige headed to the massive field outside.

After fifth period, they had a short ten-minute break before lessons began again. Paige felt too energized at the moment to call it quits. Basketball never really challenged her because she never really tried. She sucked at it too much to put in any real effort.

Coach always lets the students head off early to shower and she had about twenty minutes before she needed to head to English, and even then Mr. Lours was so out of it, he probably wouldn't even notice if she showed up at all.

The field already had a few students on it who managed to slip away from their classes a few minutes early. Paying them no attention, Paige turned towards the track. She's only ever ran across it a few times during P.E., but even as she stood atop the red and orange rubbery surface, she couldn't help but think about Aaron. Being on the track team, he must spend quite a lot of time upon this very ground.

Forcing her mind away from the uncertainty of that werewolf, Paige took off at a brisk run. The track wasn't that long, but it did a loop on the outskirts of the field, so she could run as long as she wanted without heading into a dead end and being forced to turn around.

She always felt dizzy looking at the ground as she ran, so with her head held high, she completed a single loop before it became obvious someone was on her heels. Glancing over her shoulder briefly, she saw a blurry brown and blonde form. As the creature dashed to her side, Paige released an anxious breath she had been holding.

"What do you want?"

Leaping ahead a few bounds, the wolf shifted into his human form. Lucas slowed his pace as he waited for Paige to catch up. "I saw you head outside."

Paige kept her eyes forward. "And? Go find your girlfriend and leave me alone."

She couldn't see his face but she had a feeling a smile had crossed it. "You mean Joanne? Not my girlfriend."

Paige snorted. "You might want to tell her that, then." If Lucas was unwilling to go out with that psycho bitch, then that might explain her hostility towards Paige. Any girl would be viewed as a threat.

But then again, Lucas probably only confused that girl. They always did seem very close, touching and whispering to each other. He was a total player.

"So, you touch them, but don't date them?"

Lucas lifted a shoulder, his breathing becoming heavy. Unlike Paige, he did put in effort in P.E. and it still seemed to be showing the effects of a hard workout. "Hey, you don't exactly strike me as a girl to be contained by one guy."

Her brow caved inwards. Was he implying she was a slut? True, she did have an occasional sexual relationship with her best friend, but that was one guy. She never paid much attention to anyone else, and she certainly never did anything at this school to imply otherwise.

Paige never responded, and only focused on trying to outrun him, but Lucas wasn't on the track team for show. He could really move. He kept pace with her effortlessly, even adjusted his speed to match her speed as she began to slow down once she reached the third lap.

He was impressed. "You know," he said after another lap. "For a non-shifter, you're certainly fast." A suspicious look crossed his face. "You're not using magic, are you? That's kinda cheating."

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