Chapter seventeen

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***Hey all, here's another chapter ready for you. Let me know what you think!! Read, comment, vote and follow me!! We're finally getting to the good stuff. Investigating Aaron!!! Hope you all like it.***

The next morning, Paige came to the realisation that she must have consumed more alcohol last night than she previously thought. It didn't seem like much at the time. Finn, on the other hand, definitely went all out last night. He was still crashed out, half-naked on her bed when she left an hour ago to meet Kendall in town.

Puff Diner was this really old western diner on the end of Main Street which had the habit of playing exclusively classical music. While Paige wasn't a fan of the music, and the western interior wasn't a bonus, the food wasn't that bad.

"Here," Kendall said, plonking across the booth from Paige, passing across a tall glass with a pile of whipped cream on top. "Thought you could use a boost."

Paige removed the dark glasses that concealed her eyes. The ceiling lights only caused her to grimace, but the taste of coffee Kendall offered did seem to help. Pale circles encased her eyes. Her face looked sunken.

"That," Kendall said as Paige grabbed a spoon and began piling cream into her mouth. "That look is exactly why I don't drink."

Paige would have given her either a nasty look or a rude gesture, but she was too intent on reaching the bottom of the glass.

"How much did you drink last night?"

Thinking to last night's events only caused her head to swarm. At least she still remembered last night at all, she couldn't of have had all that much to drink. Just enough to feel the effects the next morning.

"Not nearly as much as Finn," she replied, rubbing her temples.

Kendall's concern grew. "How is he, by the way? He was pretty zoned out last night."

"Still sleeping it off, I think." Getting Finn upstairs last night without waking her dad had been the real mission, but with Kendall on one side and Paige on the other, it didn't take that long. There was a brief moment Paige wanted to let Finn sleep off his hungover outside on the lawn, but Kendall was dead set against it.

But she did leave Finn in her bed last night. He was still out when she left. She glanced at her phone. It was still early, much earlier than she would normally be up after a semi-drunken night, but Kendall had texted earlier if Paige wanted to meet up. She couldn't tolerate the sound of a shower, so she quickly dressed and left Finn sprawled across her duvet.

She hoped Finn would have enough sense not to stumble down the stairs, half-naked or something. Shane never did like Finn, thought he was just another punk.

"Soooo," Kendall said in an awkward voice. "Is Finn your boyfriend or something?"

Paige's head slumped forward, but her eyes were intent on Kendall. "Friend. Never actually dated." She never mentioned their occasional sexual fling. She wasn't that close to Kendall yet to spill about her sex life, but then again, she kept Kendall in the loop about her troubles with Aaron, maybe they were past keeping secrets?

Probably not.

Paige never actually told Kendall about Aaron's latest break-in into her bedroom. Kendall was already freaked enough, she thought that maybe Aaron was just another hot-headed werewolf. She didn't need to know that this so-called werewolf threatened to kill Paige's dad.

"Oh." She seemed surprised. "Just seems like you two have a lot in common."

Paige closed her eyes against the pounding in her head. "Why is that? Cos' we're both delinquents from Solace Academy?" She tried not to let her irritation grow too much. Kendall had been a big help lately. She didn't want to push Kendall too far away.

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