Chapter thirteen

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*** Hey guys, another round for the misfit Paige. Comment, vote and follow me. Let me know what you think ***

As tradition for most Monday mornings, Paige skipped on a morning run and overslept. When she did manage to drag her body into the shower and into fresh clothes, she finished her morning routine with a breakfast that consisted of coffee alone.

Classical Studies was filled with Greek lore, not the direction Paige had been hoping for, but it was a significant improvement over vases and poems. In History, Mr. Withers spent the whole lesson talking about the supernatural involvement in the Second World War.

By the time the lesson came to an end, Paige was practically on the verge of a meltdown. Even from three rows away, she couldn't ignore Aaron's dark presence. It was too powerful. Ignoring the strong impulse to bolt as soon as the bell rang, Paige lingered behind and waited for Aaron to vanish through the doors. Once he was out of sight, Paige tenderly unravelled herself from the desk.

Out in the hallway, Aaron was nowhere to be seen. As Paige was about to head downstairs to her next lesson, a small group crossed in front of her. She paused to let them go, their conversation reaching her ears.

"Dude, I swear Beckett's times are getting faster."

"No way man. You can't beat speeds like his."

"I'm serious," the first guy insisted. Paige recognised him from her English class. Richard something. He was on the track team and one of Aaron's friends. "Come by for practice after school. You'll see. That man is on fire lately."

As the group of werewolves headed further down the hall, one particular face caught her attention.

Lucas, she thought, dashing after them before she even realised what she was about to do. Catching up to them she drew Lucas to a stop. Ignoring the stunned looks on his friends faces, she tugged at his arm. "I need to talk to you."

"Get lost loser," Joanne sneered with a ghostly dark face.

"Drop dead mutt," Paige shot back with a rude gesture. Without waiting for any further reply, she literally dragged Lucas away.

Lucas was almost in laughter as she finally released her grasp on him. "You know, you're really pissing Joanne off."

"Don't care." Paige didn't turn to him until his group of friends stalked off elsewhere. It was probably going to cause problems later, but she'd deal with it if that happens. She recalled her conversation with Kendall yesterday. Kendall was right. She couldn't get any information on a quote-unquote werewolf from a witch.

"What do you know about Aaron?"

Lucas raised a blonde brow. Not what he was expecting. "I know you don't like him, but you actually seem kinda obsessed with the guy."

"Definitely not," Paige said, already regretting this conversation.

"I know you seem to think you know something about him."

"I don't think anyone really knows him," Paige muttered. Aaron's a master manipulator, Paige realised. He has this whole damn town fooled. "He's not who he claims to be."

"You keep saying that, but you've never elaborated on what that means." Lucas was getting testy.

Paige really wanted to give him the answers he wanted, but truth be told, she didn't really have any answers herself. Saying she had a weird feeling towards the guy wouldn't be enough. She was at a loss.

Lucas seemed to know that. Sensing this conversation was going nowhere, he turned and began heading away. Paige wanted to call out to him, explain herself, defend her insane accusations, but she didn't really have anything concrete yet. Sure, Aaron's breaking and entering into her house was questionable at best, illegal even, but not enough to accuse him of being unnatural. Just another horny teenager, one that seemed to be much faster and stronger than he should be . . .

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