Chapter eighteen

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***Hey guys, hope you enjoy this chapters. More supernatural creatures are involved, so let me know what you think. Read, share, vote, comment and follow me. It'd mean a lot to me***

Either the shooter was incompetent with the weapon and missed due to lack of aim, or the shooter was extremely skilled and missed on purpose. Paige's money was on the latter, considering how close the arrow actually became. It didn't skim her face, but she felt the air vibrate as the arrow moved past, the vibrant colours of the feathers that decorated the polished arrow moving like a river of colours.

"Shit," Paige yelped, moving into a rookie fighting stance. It was one of those moments she wished she had basic defence skills, but Solace Academy didn't tolerate fighting, so her skills were reduced to match that of a street fighter. Play dirty. Cheat.

It's hard to cheat with an arrow pointed at your face.

Paige couldn't see past the sharp tool inches from her face. She didn't much appreciate being in a situation like this, so she dropped low to the ground and twisted her body towards her assailant. If someone wanted to play with weapons, fine, then Paige would rely on the skills she was born with.

Raising an arm towards the arrow, Paige felt a flare of magic rush through her body. The arrow began to vibrate violently before it flew out of the assailant's hand, striking a nearby grandfather clock.

The assailant was surprised and hissed angrily, reaching for another arrow from the quiver strapped to her back. Paige wasn't in the mood for another weapon pointed at her face so she turned her magic towards her attacker.

As if she was being struck, the attacker flew backwards and landed on the far side of the foyer. Paige would have gone after her again if Kendall didn't hold out her arms and bring her to a stop.

"Paige," Kendall hissed. "It's just a kid!"

Paige really hoped Kendall meant young adult and not a child. Teenager, she had no problem using violence against, but a child . . .

Paige withdrew her magic and now that she was no longer pinned under a wave of magic, her attacker pushed herself to her feet. Paige saw that Kendall, as usual, was right. Her face was young and covered in freckles, her dirty-blonde hair pulled back into a tight braid that dangled down her back. She couldn't be more than thirteen.

Who the hell gives a thirteen-year-old a weapon?

As the girl rolled her shoulders, Paige could see why this child would have a weapon. She was an amazon. Paige knew an amazon once, another student at Solace Academy, they were enhanced creatures of speed and strength and masters of every weapon known to man.

The amazon apparently didn't appreciate having magic used on her any more than Paige did. With a snarl, she dashed towards Paige, a gleaming silver dagger suddenly in her hands. She was angry and wanted a fight. Amazon pride. Terrible thing.

Paige was prepared to summon her magic again, but she didn't need to. The kid was lucky Paige didn't electrocute her. She already felt a familiar hum of energy vibrating close to her body, causing the hairs on her arms to raise.

The amazon didn't get very far before she was shoved to the side. The girl had her sights set on Paige and didn't expect interference from an outside source. She staggered on her feet, but she couldn't regain her balance. She crashed into a nearby wall and slumped to the floor, the wall vibrating under her weight.

A tall slender woman towered over the fallen amazon, her raven hair almost as dark as the wings that sprouted between her shoulder blades. They looked a little like raven feathers. With razor-sharp claws, the woman dismissed the amazon. When the child didn't move, the woman helped her to her feet and pointed down the hall.

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