Chapter nineteen

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Paige walked back to Venerer with Lucy in toe. It was a silent few minutes, both girls lost in their own thoughts. Paige couldn't stop thinking about Aaron, about Lucy's warnings. Her visions. Was something actually coming for them all? Something no one can possibly hope to stand against? If Aaron was involved, Paige didn't doubt it. Something dark was coming. There was no doubt.

Lucy certainly seemed to think so. Paige had no idea what the other girl saw in her visions, but it was enough to almost bring the poor girl to tears. She was almost on the verge of a full-on meltdown, and she wasn't all that stable to begin with.

Joshua. She needed to find Joshua. Nothing else mattered right now.

Who the hell was Joshua? Another werewolf? Or was he someone like Aaron? Dark and twisted. Unnatural. Or just another unsuspecting soul?

Paige glanced down at her watch as they ascended the stairs to the porch. She knew Kendall was eager to head back home as soon as possible, but Paige did promise they'd be home before dark, so they had a few more hours to spare.

Paige found Kendall and Brittany in the kitchen, both with a steaming mug in front of them. Paige knew Kendall didn't really like coffee, so she assumed it was either hot chocolate or tea. The kitchen looked more institutional styled than homey with stainless steel countertops, wooden framed stools and not a single décor item in the room.

"I'm gonna show them around," Lucy said, snagging one of the biscuits off the plate on the counter.

Kendall slid off the stool. "We better be off soon." She didn't want a tour, but then again, Paige had no intention of being given one either.

She gave Kendall what she hoped was a firm look. "We won't be long," she said, her chin jerking back the way they came.

Kendall looked from Paige to Lucy. There was an odd look on her face, one mixed heavily with confusion. At last, her confusion cleared as understanding took over. "Sure." She glanced at Brittany. "Is that okay?" She didn't really know how Brittany, who was admittedly a complete stranger, would feel about two other strangers being loose in this facility with a bunch of other kids she was charged with caring for.

Brittany didn't seem that concerned and only dismissed them with a single wave before she went back to her coffee. She probably assumed that if they were a threat, they would have acted on it by now.

"So, what's the plan?" Kendall asked, following Lucy and Paige back through the lounge and into the foyer. Paige had to admire her dedication. Kendall was still on the fence with the whole Aaron issue, but she never hesitated to go to unknown places, just to appease Paige. Maybe she was hoping Paige would one day come to her senses and see Aaron for the guy everyone else did – a popular, charming werewolf. If anything, this road trip and speaking to Lucy, only confirmed what Paige always suspected about Aaron. He wasn't a werewolf.

Lucy led them away from the wide staircase towards the narrow hallway. Paige had quickly dismissed this hallway at first glance. It didn't seem anything interesting, just a bunch of closed doors, but as they walked down the hallway, Paige saw that there were more doors, far more doors than she first thought. The navy carpet was covered with a brightly coloured rug that seemed to contrast against the white-framed, hand-painted artwork that dotted the walls. Each artwork were signed with familiar names; Helga, Keith, Diana.

As they walked, Paige told Kendall about Lucy's visions. "She's seeing Aaron. I'm not very clear on the context, but it's not good." She then finished the tale with Joshua, a mysterious resident. Like Paige, Kendall was conflicted.

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