Chapter three

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"Finn," Paige moaned against his lips, her arms wrapping around his solid form, pulling him close as she was consumed in another kiss.

Finn Meisner. One of the few supernaturals she didn't truly despise, despite the fact that he was a djinn. With a single touch, he could influence thoughts, emotions, and with some of the more weak-willed individuals, even see memories.

The chill from the once open window didn't mix well with the warmth his fingers brought. Goosebumps crept across her flesh as his hands roamed over her body, seeking for a place for his fingers to rest.

As always, it felt good to be touched by him. It felt natural. Familiar. And right now, with the whole uncertainty of coming home, going to a new school, new people, more magic than she was comfortable with – she needed something familiar.

Finn moved to her neck, trailing soft kisses along her skin. She could feel a warmth spread through her body with every touch. The warmth grew, and as it intensified, her heart gave a little tug and her insides shivered. She knew this sensation wasn't natural and was caused by Finn's magic, and even so, she didn't ask him to stop. Having him affect her sensations during sex was what made it so exhilarating.

Paige's face tilted to the side as his hands slid down her leg. Through excited gasps, she managed to sprout out a few words. "Why are you here?"

Finn's teeth came to a standstill as he let out a small chuckle. Talking was the last thing he wanted to do right now, but he still answered her. "I missed you. Solace Academy isn't the same without my favourite witch."

Pushing against her, he raised her onto the window seat, pulling her closer as she straddled his knee. Lust pulsed off his skin, an emotion she returned hungrily. Warmth spread through her body in waves, her fingers sprawling across his bare chest, his shirt and jacket on the floor in a crumpled pile. If she wasn't careful, her clothing would end up mixed with his. His marks twirled down his arms and slithered across his chest.

Even with the intense emotions flooding her system, she couldn't ignore the obvious. He couldn't be here. No, he shouldn't be here. Being here broke all kinds of rules. Paige didn't know if these rules should be broken. It wasn't worth it, even though the sex was good.

With her hands firmly on his chest, she pushed him away slightly to look at his face. "Headmistress Karter would never have agreed to let you come here. She hated me. Both of us, actually."

"True," he mumbled gazing down at her. "I just never asked for her permission."

Paige felt a smile spread across her face. Of course he didn't. But then again, she never asked for the headmistress for anything either while she was a student at Solace Academy. The old hag never let them have any fun, so they had to steal it instead.

He tried to kiss her again but she only tilted her face away. "Easy boy. Dad's downstairs."

"I know," he mumbled into her soft hair, inhaling her scent once again. He tilted his head to the side, his ears straining in the silence. "He's on a call," he said after a moment. "Sounds important. He won't be finished for a while."

"Well, you're finished now," Paige said, untangling herself from his arms. The desire was still there, impulsive and strong, but the tingling was ebbing away. Slowly.

"You're no fun," Finn said with a groan, crossing the room inhumanly fast. As she blinked, he laid sprawled across her bed. He patted the bed suggestively and gave her a charming smile. Yep, that was Finn. Her best friend. Hormonal and charming. Always charming. "Care to join me?"

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