Chapter twenty-seven

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The kiss broke apart, but Paige wasn't freed. She remained a captive in Aaron's arms, his body huddled possessively against her own. Paige was breathing heavy but Aaron was as composed as always, his eyes intent on her own.

Paige was still reeling from the high of his toxic kiss, his intoxicating scent, the magic she summoned. Detoxing from it all left her feeling an emptiness she wasn't comfortable with. She shifted under Aaron's weight, her eyes wide and wild as they darted over his rough features.

There was a desire in his white eyes she was rapidly becoming familiar with. She almost wanted to reach out and watch her reflection alter in his glazed eyes. Perhaps lean into him and inhale some more of his scent.

Finally, reality seemed to settle in as muffled voices broke through the electrified tension. The voices became clearer as more sounds was added to the mix. Scrapping chairs, shoes squeaking on tiles.

The reality of what she just did seemed to hit Aaron at the same time as it did her.

Shifting his body lightly, Aaron tilted his face to the side, his eyes scanning the crowd of students that flooded through the now open doors. Down the hall, Lucas stood in a doorway, his expression hard to read. It was firm, but there were other emotions mixed in. Too many emotions to really know what took president.

Ms. Bevan was the first to speak. She was probably too shocked seeing two students getting it on in the hallway. "Aaron?" Her eyes narrowed when she finally saw the face of his captive partner. "Paige? You're not meant to be here . . ." Her voice broke off suddenly when Aaron fixed his eyes on her. Her eyes widened and she staggered away.

Paige understood Ms. Bevan's reaction. Aaron had a power over people, many may not even realise it was there. He was compelling and terrifying all at once. She almost felt like gloating, shouting to all that she wasn't crazy, but her endorphins didn't last long once Aaron focused his attention back on her.

His hands moved from her side and latched onto her face. It was firm, almost painful. It had Paige flinching as his grip tightened. "What did you do?" His eyes grew hard. Whatever desire had been in his body a second ago was gone.

Paige grimaced and tried to pull her face free, but his fingers were locked in place. Instead, she tilted her face and forced herself to meet his eyes. "No more hiding, Aaron. Now everyone will see you. Not just me."

His eyes narrowed as his face leered near. "Wrong move, witch." A growl formed in his throat, it quickly morphed into a full-on roar. Paige slinked back against the locker, but she was trapped. Where was all the magic Aaron always talked about? What was the point of having all this hidden power if she couldn't use it when her throat was about to be ripped out?

Suddenly, Aaron's attachment loosened enough for Paige to pull herself free. For half a second, she thought, hoped that maybe Aaron had cold feet around so many people. Her hopes were dashed when another threatening roar, one that didn't sound like Aaron, echoed down the hall.

Aaron was no longer the only beast in the hallway. Another form latched onto Aaron's back, claws going rampage on his form. Blood oozed from Aaron's many lacerations. He grunted in fury as a row of razor claws scrapped across his chest.

"Paige!" Kendall was suddenly there, half dragging Paige out of the path of the stampede. Paige recognised the form as Aaron lurched his shoulders back with so much force the other form was tossed into a row of lockers.

"Lucas!" Paige cried as the blonde wolf staggered to his feet. Lucas's bright green eyes landed on her for half a second before his attention was switched back to the draugr. He snarled again, his lips pulled back, revealing rows of razor teeth. Unlike Aaron who was covered in red gashes, Lucas didn't appear that hurt, just dazed from the impact with the lockers.

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