Chapter fifteen

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***Hey guys, as promised another chapter. Read, comment, share, vote and follow me. I'd love to know what you think of my story***

That afternoon, Paige spent another hour with Dr. Noelle, and she was pretty bloody sick off it. The empath only ever wanted to talk about school or Paige's feelings, both poor subjects she would much rather avoid.

After the session, Paige waited outside the office for her dad to show up. As she settled into his BMW when he finally arrived, Paige scrolled through her phone, noticing she had another two text messages and a miss call from Finn. She didn't listen to the message he left, and his texts were just about Donna screwing up a potion at Solace Academy. Not worth getting into further detail, but it was sure fun to think about.

When the vehicle came to a stop outside their house, Paige leaped out the door, offering poor excuses for her dad not to bother her for a while. Shane kept to his promise and didn't come knocking on her door until dinner was ready.

Paige wasn't that hungry, she did feel a massive migraine forming. She ate enough so her dad wouldn't worry she was on some kind of diet, before she returned back to her bedroom.

Paige returned back to the pile of books spread out across the floor and spent the next hour finishing her homework. She was suffering the effects of abandoning her homework at school yesterday, she now had to suffer through two days of homework in one night. A mistake she wouldn't make again.

Paige took a short break to surf her phone. A newsclip caught her attention. Mysterious deaths in Mayan. Paige hesitated, her thumb hovering over the screen. Was a death investigation seriously something Paige wanted to waste her time with? Sure, it was tragic, and the deaths weren't that far away, but she had more pressing things to consume her mind with.

Maybe another time when she didn't have a monster for Ms. Clark and her stupid class.

Paige had barely even began mapping out the essay when she grew bored, her headache at an all-time high. Maybe Ms. Clark wouldn't notice if she copied something off the internet. She probably would, but a passing grade wasn't a priority for Paige.

As Paige let her head drop onto the dull pages, she felt the cool breeze wash over her back. It was so sudden and unexpected, she at first assumed another dream had taken over her mind. Hopefully a natural dream this time, one filled with hot guys, warm beaches and ice cream.

Her phone came alive with an incoming call. Stirring her mind back into the real world, Paige pushed herself up onto her forearms and reached for her phone. Before she could answer the call, a voice spoke from behind her.

"Who's Finn?"

Paige felt her entire body freeze with the sudden voice. She could still hear the TV down the hall broadcasting whatever sport her dad was currently in the mood to cheer on. The voice didn't belong to her dad, but it was a familiar one.


Paige pushed herself up onto her knees and swirled her head to each side, her eyes sweeping the dimly lit room. Her eyes lingered on the open window for a moment too long before continuing. Now the sudden chilly night air made sense. She was certain she had locked the window before her shower earlier, now it swung wide open.

Paige shot up onto her feet and swung around. Aaron stood on the other side of the room, his dark eyes watching her with amusement. Without waiting for a reply, Aaron's attention switched to a row of photographs that lined the wall. Most of the photos were fairly old, taken during happier times. One of Paige and Heather during a trip to the beach, another photo was of Paige, her sister, Shane and Erica. They were all so happy back then.

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