Chapter ten

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"Merlin. Iris Passion. Carlos Lintel. What do these individuals have in common?" Mr. Withers raised from his desk to stand beside the projector streaming several images on the board. The images showed paintings and statues of men and women.

"They're dead," David called out from the front of the room. Aaron must have really struck a nerve with him. He went out of his way to avoid Paige since the day began.

"Something more specific."

Paige wasn't into hand raising and followed David's suit and didn't wait to be called upon. "They're powerful witches."

Mr. Withers gestured at her gleefully. "Yes and no, Ms. Davis. Yes, they were in fact incredibly powerful. Scary powerful. But no, they weren't all witches. Merlin was a world-famous wizard. Iris was a witch, and Carlos was an alchemist. All magic-users, though."

Hardly interesting, but this conversation seemed better suited to be taught by Ms. Schade, not a history teacher.

Mr. Withers probably knew what was going through her mind. "I mentioned these names because they all have something else in common. They all had a significant impact on the world. Not always good either. When Merlin reigned, fights broke out between the witches and wizards. Iris revolutionized witchcraft, and Carlos was handing out an immortality elixir for almost two hundred years until his supply was destroyed by the Supernatural Council and he was arrested."

Paige turned towards her notebook and scribbled down the names. It sounded like something they'd be quizzed on. She knew who Iris Passion was, of course. She was the first notable name she learned at Solace Academy, and she's seen plenty of Merlin-centred movies, but Carlos, never heard of him.

"My point is," Mr. Withers continued. "Magic has always existed and caused changes to the world."

He spend the rest of the lesson speaking more in-depth about each individual and their impact on the world, and when the bell rang, he assigned chapter eight of the textbook, promising a lengthy quiz tomorrow morning.

As the bell rang, Paige glanced across the room. Aaron was raising from his desk, Tess Moore, another blonde werewolf, glued to his side. Paige didn't think she was his girlfriend, but she obviously wanted to be. Paige wondered if she knew more about Aaron, would she still be interested. Paige hoped this girl had more sense than that.

Paige left the room and felt Kendall fall into step beside her. "He's watching you."

Paige almost lost her footing with the sudden sound of her voice. Paige glanced over her shoulder at Kendall. "Who?"

Kendall jerked her head to the side. "Aaron." She hesitated. "You know, he has a lot of girls after him. He doesn't really date anyone in this school, though. No one more than a fling, I think."

Paige arched a brow and focused on not tripping down the stairs. "So?"

"So, unless you want a pack of angry werewolves on your tail, I suggest you don't go there."

Paige glanced behind her. Aaron had followed her onto the staircase. Not that surprising, since they shared the same Math class. He caught her looking and gave her a smile. Paige jerked back around. "I'm not going anywhere with him."

Kendall glanced behind her and lowered her voice. "I don't know about that. He seems plenty interested in you. I've noticed it. I guarantee the other wolves have as well."

Paige didn't have the time and energy to worry about a bunch of angry, lovesick pups. She could handle them. She came to an abrupt stop halfway down the stairs. She craned her neck around heads to see what caused the blockage of students at the foot of the staircase.

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