Chapter sixteen

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***Hey guys, here's another chapter ready. As always, read, vote, comment and follow me***

Kendall picked Paige up down the street, just as instructed. Kendall drove an old station wagon the same colour as the ocean, not that Paige should judge. At least Kendall had her own vehicle.

Paige took one look at Kendall's sneakers and white woollen pullover. She settled into the seat with a smile. "Never been to a party, huh?"

Kendall's cheeks flushed as she pulled away from the curb. "How'd you know?"

Paige waved a hand at Kendall's outfit, then pointed to herself. "You're not exactly dressed the part."

Kendall eyed Paige's exposed midriff. Her low-rider jeans and dark crop top with a twisted front left a lot of skin exposed. Kendall wouldn't wear something so scandalous at home, let alone in public. She chose not to say anything as she turned off the street. They rode in silence for ten minutes, the sound of Paige's phone chirping almost causing Kendall to steer into the wrong lane.

Paige glanced at the phone instantly. It was a simple thumbs up from Finn. Paige couldn't help but feel nervous as Kendall turned into a street overridden with vehicles parked on the curb and some stopped hazardously on the footpath. Kendall managed to ease into a tight stop beside two expensive looking cars.

"I don't like this," Kendall said, switching the engine off, plunging the car into darkness. Even from where they parked, five houses away from the party house, they could still hear music thumping through the air. Every tree in the street was alight with twinkling lights so bright they could only be conjured with magic.

"This is a mistake," she said for the hundredth time. "Stupid. Really stupid, Paige."

Paige shrugged off her concerns and slipped out of the car. She tried shaking off her own worries, but they weren't that easy to get rid of. "It's just a party."

Kendall hopped out of the car and locked it. "A party we weren't actually invited to," she hissed as she followed Paige down the street.

"Best kind of party," a voice said from the shadows.

Kendall was already freaking out, and the sudden voice almost caused a panic attack. Before she could hyperventilate, Finn moved from the shadows, laid a hand on Kendall's shoulders and let his magic go nuts with her emotions. Kendall seemed to calm down as Finn's magic took route, her anxiety kicking down a notch.

"You always crash a party," Finn added, drawing his hand back. "You must be Kendall."

Kendall was too uncertain to speak, so Paige wrapped Finn into a quick hug. She didn't know until this moment how much she truly missed Finn. Sex with him was great, but she just missed having him nearby. Aaron would never be so bold if Finn was around, she hoped anyway.

Well, she was about to find out.

"This isn't just anyone's party," Kendall pointed out, a little dazed from having her emotions altered. "This is Aaron's party. His house."

Paige almost flinched at his name. Maybe Kendall was right, it wasn't just risky, it was insane. Dangerous. This was a guy that broke into her bedroom multiple times, threatened her, hurt her. Was it really smart to just walk into his house, but when she learned he was having an open-species party, she couldn't just stand by. It was probably the only chance to finally get some answers, maybe snoop in his house. At least the party wouldn't be filled with solely werewolves. That offered some comfort.

Unknown to her internal struggle, Finn sauntered towards the brightly lit house, smoke waffled up from the backyard, either from a fire pit or from one of the many tiki torches that lined the enormous flashy house. Finn was quick to disappear into the house, probably off seeking a can of beer or find some girl he could talk into a vacant room.

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