Chapter six

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A few hours later, magic stirred Paige awake. She laid in bed for a long moment, staring up at the pale ceiling, as the sensation of magic grew. It took her a moment to realise that it wasn't her own magic.

"Oh no," she groaned, burying her face in a pillow. Go away. No more magic.

Someone nearby, someone close, was using magic.

"Dammit," she swore when the magic didn't fade.

She threw the pillow to the side and leaped out of bed. Was it too much to ask to be left undisturbed? She didn't want to sense magic. She never wanted it, but she didn't know how to stop it. It was something she seriously needed to look into.

Leaning across the window seat, Paige peered out the window. The magic came from outside. From her backyard. Weird. For a moment, she thought her magic-sensing radar was broken. She didn't see anyone, until she turned towards the creek and saw a figure kneeling by the water's edge.

Wait. Is that . . .

Almost pressing herself against the glass, Paige strained her eyes for a better look.


Surely not. Why would Kendall be here? Outside her house? It made no sense. Kendall has barely spoken to her in days. But sure enough, when the figure lifted her head to search through a bag that sat beside her, Paige saw a familiar physique.

Paige leaned away from the window. She was torn. She wanted to see what Kendall was up to, but then again, Kendall had stopped being a friend recently. All because of some stupid school rumours.

The temperature in the room dropped and Paige found herself shivering despite the afternoon light outside. Goosebumps trailed her arms as she wrapped them around herself, and as quickly as it took herself to blink, she was no longer in her bedroom.

Paige stopped shivering as warmth hugged her body and a soft breeze tugged loose strands of hair that had slipped from her braid while she had slept. Soft grass crunched beneath her bare feet, and somewhere nearby, she could smell freshly cut lawn-clippings.

Twenty feet away, Kendall kneeled near the creek, an empty glass jar in her hand. Facing Paige, her chocolate-coloured eyes were wide as she stared at Paige.

"What the . . ." Kendall blinked. "Where'd you come from?"

Good question. She was about two houses away from home, and even from where she stood, she had a good view of her bedroom window. It remained closed. She had no idea how she even got outside.

She turned back to Kendell and offered a weak smile. "Er . . . magic, I guess?"

Kendall shook the uncertainty away. "Why are you here?" She became suspicious as she clutched the empty jar to her chest. Yep, she definitely knew all the rumours about Paige. The unhinged, possibly Feral supernatural.

"Could ask you the same thing," Paige barked, then altered her tone instantly. "I saw you from the window." She raised a limp hand at her house. She still felt the effects of magic. Once again, it wasn't her own. Even now, even as they spoke, Kendall clutched to her own magic. Holding it nearby, ready to use.

Kendall glanced at the house. "You live here? It's a nice neighbourhood." The magic was slipping from view.

"I know." Paige took a step towards the creek and glanced down at the murky water. Winkling her nose, she took a step back. Kendall didn't seem to mind the filth. Her sleeves were rolled up and her forearms were dripping water. "What are you doing?" Paige peered into the creek again. She looked back expectantly at Kendall, who only sighed in defeat.

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