part 46

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Both of them were shopping  till evening while aditya came back and packed his stuff with purab and left for Delhi while she was still in the market and shopping.....

Meera:- can we go back ,I'm kind of tired....

pritha:- not yet , i have to  pick up  my stuff from cannaught place  and she groaned and started driving towards the market.....

Meera:- it's 8:00 pm now yrrr.....

pritha:- so what  babe , it's your wedding .....

stop there and she stopped and pritha went out to bring something to eat while Meera is still lost in her thoughts.....

suddenly her phone rang and she picked it up......

Aditya:- where are you lost my girl , no message no calls.....

Meera:-  I'm still shopping .....

Aditya:- why are you so sad ....

Meera:- I'm tired and i don't know why she is taking time.....

Aditya:- because I'm here and suddenly she sees Aditya sitting beside her and a broad smile spreads on her face....

pritha:- aren't you tired now huh and she smiled .....

purab:- i will drop her ,you both can enjoy.....

Aditya:- get lost then....

towards my penthouse and she nodded in yes and started driving towards his penthouse....

Meera:- you ain't told me that you are coming here .....

Aditya:- i want to give you a surprise babe while parking the car in the parking area and  walking inside his penthouse while he is holding her hand and both went inside and he quickly closed the door and hugged her tightly.....

i missed you....

Meera:- i just came back tomorrow....

Aditya:- whatever....

meera:- coffee.....

Aditya:- i have ordered food,  actually I'm kind of hungry.....

Meera:- okay ...

when did you came here....

Aditya:- just right now .... stay here i will  just come after getting fresh and he quickly went inside  and came afte sometime wearing only his trousers and towel in his neck and tshirt in his hands while she is staring him continuously without blinking her eyes.....

you are drooling babe and she turned her face and smiled and gulped while he quickly wore his t-shirt and sat beside her and pulled her closer....

what happened.....

Meera:- nothing....

Aditya:- you can tell me that i have a hot body.....

Meera:- no doubt about that and he smiled and he pulled her closer and rested his head on her shoulder...


Meera:- what adi.....

Aditya was about to say something but suddenly the bell rang and he woke up and opened the door and took out bags and closed the door and sat beside her....

what's that ....

Aditya:- pizza ....and she smiled and he opened the Bag and started eating it and went towards the kitchen and brought glasses and wine and kept it on the table and poured drink in it and started drinking.....

I'm not gonna feed you babe , comon eat by yourself right now and she smiled and started eating it while she was sneak peeking at him suddenly her phone rang....

harsh:- where are you Meera.....

Aditya:- she is with me Salle saheb and harsh smiled....

harsh:- how are you adi...

Aditya:- absolutely fine....

harsh:- why ain't you came home....

Aditya:- actually.....

isha:- we are going to club ,bring her with you....

Meera:- where....

isha:- noxx....

Meera:- i don't have dress....

isha:- i will bring ....

Meera:- see you there and she cut the call and Aditya smiled seeing her....

let's go....

Aditya:- come with me...

and he dragged her inside his room and  opened his suitcase and she saw her dresses and smiled  .....

Meera:- you bought all of them....

Aditya:- not all babe....and he took out one of the dress which is black in color and gave her and she quickly went inside and came out wearing it while he quickly wore his suit and came and started staring her from door while she is adjusting her hairs and he is smiling seeing her .....

Meera:- what am I suppose to wear down ...

Aditya:- i told her to bring your heels babe while  grabbing her waist and smelling her fragrance....

you smell really good and she smiled and turned and started staring and touching his face .....

what happened......

Meera:- do you think our relationship will work out .....

Aditya:- you still doubt.......

Meera:- not doubt it's just....

Aditya:- just what Meera while hugging her tightly.....

Meera:- nothing let's go....

Aditya:- comon tell mee what going on in your mind ....

Meera:- will tell you later on  now comon let's go .....

Aditya:- hey wait .....

Meera:- now what happened....and he quickly cupped her face and pecked on her lips and started walking holding her hand.....

Aditya make her sit and started driving towards club while she is staring him....

Aditya:- when are you going to tell me....

Meera:- tell you about what?

Aditya:- i know you are  cracked ssb and more intelligent and I'm not  bad enough babe and she smiled....

Meera:- i have read about you ,you are more qualified than mee so don't tell me that huh....

Aditya:- what you read about me....

Meera:- your articles ,you are quite famous in girls....

Aditya:- famous , you don't know about these types of girls ,they aren't my type.....

Meera:- what's your type then....

Aditya:- sitting beside me , i am one woman man Meera , i have seen my dad respecting and loving my  mother and i will follow the same .....

Meera:- i trust you adi and he smiled and parked the car in the parking area and she saw isha and she took her heels and wore it and kept her shoes in his car and started walking with her   .....

harsh:- don't you think your dresses are getting short.....

Meera:- tell him ,he has choosen it.....

Aditya smiled and they went inside and she sat beside him while janvi sat beside harsh , isha beside jay and purab beside pritha .....


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