133 4 0

Person(s): Chris Evans

Tags: Blood kink, fluff, smut, pet names 

Classified: Smut


The pain in your body was more than you could take and you hated it. You had taken two Advil, but the pain was not going away. Your entire body felt weak, your toes felt so cold they might fall off. Your back ached, your right leg was aching, and your stomach was cramping. You felt tired, but couldn't sleep. 

And it was Chris' birthday. 

You were sitting in bed, without your back sloped a little, trying to get the pain to go away. You were watching a youtube video, hoping that your  mind would go away from the pain, focus on something else, and the pain would magically go away. 

It wasn't working. 

You were near tears. 

You had so much you had wanted to do with Chris today. There were plans he'd made with his friends for earlier and then it was going to be the two of you later. And you were going to get to go with his friends too so you really had him the whole day. 

"Baby?" Chris' voice called down the hallway and you shut the Youtube video off as he came in, closing the laptop. "Hey? You ready?" 

"I- I'm sorry." You apologized and was going to get out of bed, when a cramp hit you hard. Your eyes scrunched closed in pain and your hands grabbed at your stomach. You slid down on the bed, curling up in a ball with your back to Chris. 

"It's really bad isn't it?" Chris asked softly, his hand landing gently on your shoulder. 

"I'm okay." You gasped out. "The advils should kick in soon. Just give me a minute." 

"Nonsense." Chris said firmly, sitting on the bed with you. "There's no way you're going out when you're in so much pain. What can I do?" 

"I'll be okay. This happens every month." You tried to play it off. "Just go out with your friends and I'll be better when you come back." 

Chris chuckled like something was funny, getting off the bed. You could hear him rustling around in the cupboards outside of your bedroom, above the washer. He came back with a heating pad, plugging it in and tucking it under your back, cranking the setting up. 

"Right. Like I'd leave you while you're in pain." 

"It's your birthday." 

"And there's nothing I'd rather do than sit here with you." Chris whispered, pecking your cheek. "Okay?" 

You knew there was no arguing with him on this one. "I'm sorry though. I know you wanted to be in the red room tonight." 

Chris smiled. "We can always do it after you're feeling better. I'm not going anywhere." 

You smiled at that, wishing you felt well enough to snuggle into him. But you didn't want to move. You were somewhat comfortable in the position you were now. Instead, you reached out and took his hand. He lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of it. 

An hour or so passed and you were no longer in any pain. You were rather content, nuzzled up with Chris, who was stroking your hair while the two of you watched Designated Survivor on the TV. You turned in his arms, the first of the two of you to move within the past hour, and kissed his shoulder. 

"Chris?" You asked quietly. "I know it's your birthday but um. . . if you want. . . could you please make love to me? I- I mean you know, if you're okay with the blood. I don't want you feeling like you have to or-" 

Chris cut you off with another kiss. "I would absolutely love that Princess." 

You blushed, watching his every move as he got out of bed, pulling his dress pants off along with his boxers, pulling his shirt off, climbing back onto the bed. 

He placed his hands on your hips, squeezing them lightly. "You're going to tell me if anything hurts, right Princess?" 

"Yes Sir." You whispered. 

His baby blue eyes turned a more stormy sky colour, before he carefully started to pull your skirt and knickers down. 

"Wait!" You suddenly shouted, face flooding red with embarrassment, remembering that you hadn't gone to the bathroom to change in a few hours. 

"Y/N, sweetheart." Chris said softly. "I don't care." 

"M-maybe I should clean up a little." You said hesitantly, but Chris shook his head, pulling the clothes off of you, dumping them on the floor without looking. 

"You all good?" Chris asked softly. "Remember our safe word?" 

"Elephant." You whispered. 

"Good girl." Chris whispered, before slowly sliding into you. 

You gasped, a tingly feeling flowing from the tips of your toes to your shoulders. Chris had slid in so easily. Other strange feelings seemed to be happening as he finished bottoming out, waiting for your verbal command for him to continue. Like the blood bubbles you got occasionally (usually from standing up after laying down for long periods of time) were trying to pop, while not being able to. 

You gasped again, swiveling your hips as he hadn't moved. 


"I- I think I need to be on top." You said softly. 

"Okay." Chris nodded, wrapping his arms around your waist, keeping one hand firmly planted against your back, before he lowered himself backwards, laying down so that you were on top of him. 

You rolled your hips against him and everything seemed to just let go. You watched his cock slide in and out of you as you raised yourself up and down on it. Chris kept his hands on your hips, helping you along so that you didn't do to much of the work. 

His cock was completely painted in your blood, mostly the light red, but also hints of purple that slid down his cock slowly, like ice-cream drips on the outside of a cone. 

You had always had a blood kink and you forced yourself to look up at his face, to keep yourself from lifting yourself off and sucking on his cock, licking the blood off of it. 

You moaned softly, thinking of it, nails digging into Chris' chest. "Oh fuck, Chris I'm going-" 

"Cum babe." Chris murmured softly. "I'm right behind you." 

You sighed in relief as you came on his cock. The pain in your back was completely gone now and you felt amazing. Chris kept a soft hold on you as he finished inside of you. 

Very gently, the two of you moved so you got off of him and you glanced over at the clock. 

"You know," You murmured softly. "If you still want, we might be able to make it to the restaurant in time to meet your friends." 

Chris shook his head, pulling you into his side, turning the heating pad on once more and laying it against your side, putting it on a low level so it wasn't to hot. "I wanted to spend today with you anyways. I can hang out with my friends later. Now, let's go to the bathroom and take a nice hot bath, hmm?" 

You flushed as your eyes looked at his cock again, covered in blood. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." 

Chris chuckled, standing up, and helped you off the bed and into the bathroom where you had another round of sex. 

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