
166 6 0

Tags: N/A

Classified: Angst/Fluff

Person(s): Steve-ish, Bucky


You and Steve Rogers were a sort've item. You two would usually fuck and he would take you on dates, but it wasn't entirely serious. You knew there was a lack of love on his part, but you didn't mind. You weren't overly attached to him. Sure the dates were fun and the sex was great, but there wasn't this overwhelming need to be with him.

Until Thanos snapped half of the population out of existence. You'd been terrified about losing him, but you didn't. You got lucky.

And that was when you really fell in love with him. He was still optimistic about everything, putting a positive spin where he could, even though he really missed his best friend Bucky. The two of you grew even closer during that time and you really thought something was going to happen because of it.

Maybe it would have. Except then they discovered how to go back in time. They brought everyone back. They fought Thanos and won this time. Well, it didn't feel much like a win, what with losing Natasha and then Tony. Idiotic Tony just had to snap and save the world, didn't he. God you had loved that man so much. He should've let someone else take care of it.

And then they decided to send the stones back.

And you had wonderful news for Steve at the same time, that you had just found out today.

Steve texted you to meet him near the Avengers compound, where they had set everything up to send him back with the stones.

You made your way there, walking up with Bucky, who was pleased to see you. You greeted him with a hug, ecstatic to see him after being gone for five years.

"You're glowing." He laughed.

"Well I have wonderful news for Steve." You said, face shining and your hand moved down to your stomach. There was no bump yet, but you were pregnant. Bucky's eyes followed the gesture, but he didn't comment on it.

Steve had other plans though.

He pulled you aside. "Y/N, I need. . . I have to tell you something."

"Me too." You breathed.

He smiled sadly. "I'm going to stay in the past."

His words punched you in the gut, stealing your breath.

"You know how much I loved Peggy and how much she meant to me. I'm glad that I got to spend this time with you." Steve said softly, looking upset. "And I really do hope that you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with."

You still couldn't breathe. He was supposed to be that person. He was. . .

"What did you want to tell me?" He asked softly.

You pressed your lips together, trying to get your emotions under control. It had been the deal from the start. No strings, no emotions attached. Just two friends that benefited each other. He didn't need to know that you'd long broken your side of that promise. You loved him.

"It doesn't matter now." You said carefully, trying to smile. "You're not staying."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Steve said and you saw he really did look guilty. But you also knew that Peggy had always been the one that he loved. You were the one that caught feelings.

"It's. . . good luck Steve." You said, unable to tell him that it was fine.

Bucky had watched and overheard the entire encounter and was filled with horror for what Steve was about to do to you. What you were allowing him to do to you. Part of him felt fantastic that the two of you were over. He'd always loved you and never thought Steve was a good partner for you. But the other part of him felt terrible that Steve was leaving you here with his child by yourself- even if you hadn't told him you were pregnant.

"Steve." Bucky said, quickly stepping forward but you grabbed his arm.

"Good luck." You said, almost choking on the words.

Steve smiled, clapping Bucky on the shoulder with one hand, before heading over to where Sam and Bruce were waiting.

"Doll." Bucky looked stricken.

You turned your back as Steve went into the machine, tears welling up in your eyes.

"Doll." Bucky said again, softer this time.

"I'm okay Buck." You said, giving him a tense smile, wiping the tears from your eyes. "I always knew I was just the side girl. That was all we ever said we would be. I'm the one that got attached."

"Don't blame yourself for this!" Bucky said angrily. "It's Steve's fault!"

"It's no ones fault." You sighed, "This is just how the world works."

Sam nudged Bucky to show an older man sitting on the bench now, a brown circular case by his feet.

Oh my God. It was Steve. But he was so much older.

Bucky just nodded to Sam and said "go ahead."

Sam was the one who approached Steve.

You sighed, "I guess I should. . ."

Go where? Your home had been with Steve. You didn't have your own apartment or house or anything.

"You'll come home with me. I'll take care of you and the baby, I promise." Bucky said earnestly, but firmly.

"Do you even have a place to stay?" You asked skeptically, knowing that up till his disappearance, he'd been staying in Wakanda.

"Yep." Bucky said confidently. "Come on."

He offered you his arm and you took it.

"Y/N." Steve's voice sounded so strange, yet familiar.

You stopped, turning to face him. Then you walked forward.

He looked sad. "I'm sorry. If I had known. . . I would have stayed."

You shook your head, "Steve, were you happy?"

You watched with a broken heart as his eyes filled with love for a moment. "I was. Extremely."

"That is all I ever wanted for you." You said, throat constricting a little. "So it's okay. If you'd stayed, it would've made you unhappy and you only would've done it on principle. I'm glad you had the life you wanted." You bent down gently, kissing his cheek. "Good-bye Steve."

Steve smiled a little before looking at Bucky. Part of you wondered how he could just up and leave so easily with his best friend who really needed him here.

"I guess this is the End of the line pal." Bucky said, patting Steve's shoulder. He turned then, putting an arm around your shoulder to lead you away.

You knew tears were streaming down both of your faces, so neither of you looked back.

So neither of you saw that Steve was crying too.

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