Part 8- Send Me Home

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Not proofread my fellow Spiders
Oh god. This is exactly what you were hoping to avoid. You and Miguel never really...talked it out, or talked about it at all. You just kind of, acted like what happened, never did. You glanced nervously at Miguel, his eyes met yours for a second before speaking.
"I found another world where I had a family, a daughter, and I was happy. At least, a version of me was." Miguel looked down. "But that version of me was killed. So I replaced him."
  When Miguel first told you that he was switching himself into another universe, you knew it was a bad idea. It had to mess up something. And also because you thought he wouldn't come back. But as he held your hand and told you you could come anytime, and he would never leave you, you forgot all the bad feelings and shut up.
"I...thought it was harmless. But I was wrong."
   Behind Miguel one of the very many converging webs displayed some video footage of Miguel and his daughter. You watched sadly, as you came up behind them in the videos frame, putting a hand on Miguel's shoulder and smiling at his daughter who was in his arms, getting cupcake icing all over his face.      You remember that day. She just won a soccer tournament, and the coach brought soccer cupcakes to celebrate. Miguel set his daughter down, and you reached up, laughing, wiping icing off his face. Miguel just stared at you sweetly in the video, laughing lightly.
You drew your eyes away from the video to see the rest of the crew staring at you and Miguel.      The video ended, and a hologram of the city appeared, showing what happened when Miguel had broken the canon.
  People were running everywhere, but in the chaos, you saw you and Miguel's hologram running, trying to save his kid as he held her. You waited for the worst part, and watched as his daughters hologram evaporated in his arms. Your hologram stopped dead in its tracks next to him as you put a hand over your mouth. You could hear yourself saying, "no, no, no." Miguel looked down at his empty hands with a expression that showed disbelief. You watched your hologram start to cry. You felt your own eyes start to get watery so you shut your eyes.
"M-Miguel turn it off. Please," you whispered as you finally looked at him. He looked at you sadly as he nodded and turned the ball. The holograms disappeared. You saw that Miles had a wild look on his face.
Miguel started again. "Miles, if you break enough canons, save enough captains, we could lose everything."
Miles suddenly had a grim expression. "My Dad is about to be captain."
You all looked at eachother, Miguel's eyebrows raised.
"The Spot does it. When does it happen? When?" Miles demanded.
You looked at Miguel. Maybe not telling him was better. Miguel gave you an unsure expression before turning to Miles.
"Two days from now, when he's sworn in."
Miles took a deep breath. "Send me home."
Miguel shrugged, "I can't do that."
"So I'm just supposed to let him die?"
Miguel just raised his eyebrows.
"You all realized how messed up that sounds? Your asking me to just let my father die." Miles pointed at his head. "So what about Uncle Ben then? If you would've known you would've just let it happen?"
"If not for Uncle Ben we wouldn't be here." Peter B put a hand on Miles shoulders. Miles knocked his hand off.
"So that's it then. I'm just supposed to let him die? You can't ask me to do that."
"I wasn't asking." You shot Miguel a glare next to you.
You slowly realized that the entire society of Spiders were crowding around Miles now. Miles looked around.
"What is this? An intervention?" Miles threw his hands out.
Miles turned to Peter."Is that why your here? To let me down easy?"
Miles turned back to you and Miguel. "You gotta let me go."
Without warning, Miguel slid one of his hologram cages under Miles feet, trapping him in.
"Miguel!" You shouted. He shot his head over to you. "There are better ways to do this!"
You flicked your eyes back over to Miles, and saw Hobie standing in front of his cage with his....palms up? You didn't think much of it, Hobie had some odd antics. You turned back to Miguel. Peter and Gwen were yelling at him now too.
"Miguel that's enough!"
"Miguel just give him a minute!"
Miguel eyes were red as he turned to face them. "If I let him go he'll just ruin another canon. Sorry it had to end this way."
He turned away to leave the room. You reached out for him, but heard a buzzing sound behind you. You turned to look at Miles. He had his palms pressed to the walls of the cage, and it looked like electricity was coming from his hands.
"Miguel!-" was all you got out before the cage exploded, knocking you and most of the other Spiders over. You coughed and leaned up on your elbow, and felt Miguel next to you, his hand on your shoulder.
"You alright?"
You coughed again. "Yep. Never better."
You looked up to see Miles, free from his cage, staring at the group with wide eyes. He suddenly turned and bolted to the open door.
"MILES!" Miguel yelled next to you getting up immediately to run after him.
You stood up and ran over to Peter and Gwen.
"This wasn't how it was supposed to go," Peter B said, as he played with Mayday's chunky hands.
"I-I know, if we can catch up to Miguel I'll try to talk to him," you responded.
"Well come on then." Gwen said , pulling on her mask.
You all rushed into the lobby, and your watches all suddenly lit up, displaying Miguel's masked face.
"Stop Spider-Man!"
Every single Spider in the lobby except you, Gwen, and Peter pointed at eachother saying, "you?"
Miguel was not specific enough.
"No! Miles Morales! He's heading to Sector 4!" You all turned to tbe entrance of the sector. A Spider with many arms walked in. He stopped.
"What do I have web on my face?"
Your ears perked up when you heard Miguel yelling behind him in the hallway.
"No Miles! He's right- turn around!"
The Spider turned, and you could see Miles, balled up on his back, trying to hide. Miles laughed awkwardly, then leapt from his back and swung through the many platforms and poles in the lobby. Literally every Spider was after him now.
"We have to get to him!" Gwen yelled, as Miguel ran up next to you. You took the opportunity to try to talk to him.
"Miguel, this wasn't what we talked-,"
"It doesn't matter. We can't let him leave." He said sternly. "Whatever it takes."
You opened your mouth to ask him what he meant by that, but Peter suddenly broke into the conversation.
"Hey could someone take a picture for me? It's Mayday's first chase."
"Not right now Peter!" You yelled over to him.
Miguel suddenly split from the group, as you stuck with Gwen and Peter. You needed to keep an eye on her. Jess appeared next to Gwen on her badass bike, joining the chase.
This wasn't going to end well.

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