Part 11- Tracker

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not proofread but you alr know that
also it's been a bit since ive seen the movie so im sorry if some of the scenes aren't 100% accurate but im trying here fellas
  "We gotta find Miles. We have to find him. I- I think I know where he is but- but what if he isn't there I-" Gwen ran her gloved hands through her hair. Her eyes were glassy and her chest rose and fell rapidly with every word. You watched from her bed as she paced back and forth across her bedroom floor.
  "Gwen. We have two watches now. We can manipulate them as much as we want. We will find him," you said, you went to pinch the bridge of your nose to formulate a plan, but hissed when your finger brushed your broken bone. Gwen's Dad, who she had just made up with, gave you some bandages and helped you patch up your nose, but bandages won't fix a broken bone.
  Gwen looked down at the watch Hobie left her. She started messing with the controls slightly.
   "I have an idea of where he is. But I need you to do me a favor. And I hate to ask you it, but we both know he isn't gonna stop," Gwen sighed.
You felt your face fall. You knew what she was asking.
   "You can track him can't you? I know you can," Gwen seemed to be pleading.
   "I- I can," you said quietly looking at your watch.
   "I need you to make sure he doesn't get to him before I do. It inevitable. Please Y/N," she stepped towards you, desperation in her voice.
You gripped the colorful sheets of Gwen's bed. You shut your eyes and felt your nose ache with the movement. Your nose. It was an accident, and you knew it. But the fear that you had felt was still swirling in your shoulders and chest. But Miles and Gwen needed you.
   "I can do it," you said standing. "But will you be okay on your own?"
   Gwen smirked. "I'll be just fine."
You smiled at her and gave her a hug. You knew she would be fine, but the thought of this being the last time you embraced slithered in the crevices of your brain.
  You let go of eachother and nodded. Gwen tapped on her watch and a portal opened behind her.
   "Keep in touch, understand?" you said sternly.
She nodded and stepped into the portal. You took a deep breath and looked down at the pin of Miguel's location on your watch. Your feelings were so torn. You missed him. You wanted to see him. But he was hardly your Miguel anymore. But you couldn't stop yourself from thinking you could save him. You tapped the moving pin and a portal opened up by the window. You clenched your fists a few times before sucking it up and jumping through.
    You had never been to Miles demention before, so you didn't know what to expect. It was raining hard, and the sky was dark, the streets lit up by neon pub signs and billboards. You looked down at your watch to try to get Gwen's pin to see if she was nearby but your watch was glitching. You smacked it hissing cuss words. Sometimes the cross demensional communication was tough on the watched signal. She'll be okay, you told yourself.
  You were currently pressed against a huge sign, lit up with red letters. The rain was seeping through your bandages, and your cut was stinging like hell. You started to shift around the sign. Where the fuck is Miguel? His pin is right here. You crouched, readying to leap over the sign when a sudden clang of metal shook the sign. You flinched, holding your breath. You blinked up through the rain and letters to see-
You slunk back, your eyes wide. If he caught you now, he would never let you go. Never. Your chest rose and fell. Don't turn around don't turn around you chanted in your head. His red outlined eyes scanned the area before him. He stepped off the sign and leapt to the edge of the building.
  Now's your chance. You ever so carefully leapt off the sign to the right, careful not to land in puddles of rain to make a noise. You crept backwards, keeping your eyes on Miguel. You couldn't shoot webs, the noise from your web shooters would be too loud. You felt your heel tap against the edge of the building. You have to turn around, you thought. You felt anxiety ringing in your body. There's gotta be a ladder or a fire escape or something. You counted down in your head. 3. 2. 1.
  You whipped around to see a ladder leading down the side. You moved to slide a foot onto the first rung and-
   Your head shot up to see glowing red webs wrapped around one of your wrists. Your eyes moved to Miguel, who had somehow gotten much closer to you, his masked head tilted as he clutched the webs lacing your wrist. It felt like a western movie, as you both just sat and stared, waiting for the other to make a move.
  You made the first move and flung your hand down to your diamonds to try to cut his web quickly. But he yanked your wrist and shot another web at your ankle. He tugged and you fell onto your back with a thud. You wiggled and kicked at your restraints, screaming.
  "God, so feisty, aren't you, sweetheart?" he said in his sarcastic tone.
  He finally pulled you all the way through the slick puddles to where he stood. He started to lift you up but you continued to kick.
  "Y/N! It's me, goddamnit! Stop will you just-," he was trying to hold your arms and legs down. He finally pinned you to the ground, his big hands gripping you wrists above your head and his knees pinning your legs. You tried to get free.
  He stopped wrestling you. His mask disappeared, and you could see his face now. It was surprised and sad. You stopped wiggling under him. You blinked as rain hit your eyes. Miguels eyes searched your face. He slid one of his hands down to your face. He gently touched your soaked bandaids covering your broken nose. Your eyes were bruised now, purple flowers blooming underneath your skin. He pressed gently on your nose and you whined trying to move your face from him.
  "Baby, that's broken," he said softly. "Did you not go to the medbay?"
  He did this to you. HE did this to YOU. You were trying so hard to stay mad at him. Because he hurt you. But all you wanted to do was bawl like a baby and be in his arms.
  "No," you said quietly, turning away from his face. He sighed and cursed in Spanish.
  "Y/N. I am so sorry. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just let Miles get in the way of your safety and I messed up. I'm sorry," he said, trying to meet your downcast eyes. "Come back with me and I'll fix it. Please," he said.
  You looked up at him. He sounded gentle. He sounded like Miguel. Your Miguel. You opened your mouth. Your body screamed to give in, just let him be your hero. But your nose screamed right back at you and you could hear Gwen's pleas in your head saying that Miguel would never stop. You had to delay him.
  You gave him a sad smile before you tore one of your knees under Miguel's, and kneed him right in the crotch. He hissed loudly and crumpled next to you on the ground.
  "FUCK Y/N!" he said as he hunched over, his fist slamming onto the ground. You stood up, using your foot to kick him in the side over onto his back. You shot webs onto his wrists and ankles to pin him down. You kneeled between his big legs.
  "I'm sorry? Did that hurt? Probably not as much as my fucking nose," you smirked as he blinked at you. "Here's what's gonna happen, tough guy. I'm gonna go do my business and your gonna sit here like a good boy and not fuck it up. Because you've been doing that quite a lot lately, haven't you, baby?"
  You stopped to see Miguel's reaction to your words. His mouth hung open and he wasn't even fighting his restraints. You gave him a sly smile and started to walk off. You got to the edge of the building.
  "Y/N, please, I'm sorry. I want you to come back. I want you to come back. I want you," Miguel pleaded.
  Your jaw tightened and it took everything in you not to lose the confidence you just had. You turned to face his pitiful state.
  "I know your sorry, Miguel. But I can't. You know I can't. We'll see eachother again, okay? Your not losing me."
  And with that, you jumped off the building into the neon rain.

Can anyone tell me why wattpad wont let me bold or italicize ANYTHING

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