The Blizzard of Rito Village

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"Snow... it shouldn't be snowing this time of year", Link stated; as they neared the village, snow began falling.

"It should be their summer", Kate muttered.

"This is one of the dilemma's I've told you about", Sheik explained, "Blizzard in Rito Village, Sandstorm in the Gerudo, Sludge in Zora's Domain, and no lava in Death Mountain",

"And to top all that, Zelda's still missing", Kate muttered.

"Hey, we'll fix this", Link reassured, "we'll fix this and find her, I know it",

"And we also have to find the Master Swords too", Kate reminded.

"We will, but our friends need us first", Link stated, "we'll have to put the search on hold until we fix all this",

"I know, I know", Kate said, "I just... I have a lot going on in my mind... and this... thing, whatever it is... isn't helping",

"I know, and whatever it is, Ganon or not, we'll defeat him", Link reassured as Kate nodded her head, entering the village, it was almost deserted, and with the blizzard, it was clear that the Rito were suffering with little to no food; near the top of the Village, three Rito's stood, one, a friend, Teba, the others, a child and Teba's Wife, Saki.

"That's not fair at all, you know I can handle it", the child, Tulin argued, "checking out that huge cloud wouldn't be hard, I could even do it alone... if we don't do anything... the village...", he then looked passed his parents and towards Link, Kate, and Sheik, "Huh, is that you", he flew towards the three, "It IS you, Link, Kate, and Sheik", 

"Link, Kate, they told me you two were missing", Teba stated, walking towards the three, "it's good to see your doing well",

"It's very nice to see you again", Saki said.

"Do you remember my son, Tulin, he's grown taller, though perhaps not yet grown up",

"Well, maybe I would if you didn't treat me like a hatchling all the time", Tulin stated.

"As long as you think you can take on the world by yourself, you'll always be my little chick", Teba said.

"What, you think I can't, I'm already fully-fledged, you know", Tulin argued, "you'll change your tune when I ace today's scouting trip; you all can keep wasting your time treating the Song of the Stormwind Ark like it's real, but not me",

"Listen, you...", Teba began but Tulin flew away, "unbelievable",

"Remind you of someone", Link asked, a smile appearing on his face.

"Har har", Kate mumbled before speaking up, "is everything alright",

"Tulin wants me to let him go find what's causing the blizzard, and he's having trouble hearing no", Teba stated.

"He mentioned a song", Link said.

"It's an old folk song", Saki explained, "long ago, when we faced a different sort of Upheaval, the village was saved thanks to a great flying ship",

"It's a song for children, few adults still parrot it as if it were true; still, every now and then, you get reports among the Rito of a flying ship", Teba stated, "combine that with the blizzard caused by this upheaval, and it seems less far-fetched",

"And this ship", Sheik asked.

"Even if the Song of the Stormwind Ark is just a children's rhyme, I suspect that there is something lurking high in the sky", Teba stated, "but the air is so turbulent now that no Rito can fly close enough to look into it, this is why I say we need to make careful preparations to find the truth, but Tulin... he thinks we cling to that song out of cowardice; but these are Rito matters, you came for some purpose, yes",

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