Riju, The Sage of Lightning

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"This looks promising", Sheik said as the four made their way towards the temple's entrance.

"With a hive that big, this has to be the source", Kate stated.

"Riju, think you can take it down", Link asked.

"I can try", Riju said, holding her scimitar up and quickly bringing it down, lightning hitting the giant hive as it broke down, dissolving into sand as a giant Gibdo, Queen Gibdo emerged, roaring and flying out of the dissolving hive and to the ground, it's wings creating harsh winds, fueling the storm.

"Guys, look, it's stirring up the sand shroud", Riju stated, "it must be responsible for all this",

"Then let's take it out and put an end to this shroud", Sheik said as Riju nodded her head, normal Gibdos appearing around it.

"This has gotta be the leader", Link explained, "stay alert, it won't attack like the others",

"Not only that, but it's got wings", Kate added, "Riju, winged enemies always have a tricky flight pattern, using your lightning on it would be next to impossible; we'll lure it under a regular Gibdo, aim there",

"On it", Riju said, the three running around, attempting to gain its attention as she began gathering lightning, luring it under a Gibdo, she unleashed her attack; Queen Gibdos skin turned white as it fell to the ground.

"It turned white, does that mean it's like the other Gibdos", Riju asked, the four running towards it.

"Only one way to find out", Link stated, hitting Queen Gibdo with his sword, it let out a shriek as the four joined in; it shrieked once more before sending sand out in an attempt to make its escape, but Riju was quick to hit it with lightning as it tried to crawl away and it fell to the ground; it soon got up and flew into the sky, shrieking once more before fleeing into the temple.

"It fled up towards the roof... maybe there's some way to go up after it inside the structure", Riju explained, using her lightning powers to unblock the entrance, "come on, let's look for a way up",

The four made their way inside the temple, there, all they could see were old corridors, sand piled up in places, and labyrinthian-like corridors.

"No one's been in here in centuries... Zelda would have a field day if she was with us", Kate stated, looking around the room.

"We'll find her, I promise", Link reassured as the four entered the central room, the stone circle in the center lighting up; Link approached the pedestal and placed his hand on it, the platform underneath them raising up a bit only to lose power and fall back to the floor.

"Hey, the floor started to rise, then slammed back down", Riju said as the voice came back.

"Daughter... Daughter of the Gerudo... this platform connects to the very top of this temple, use your power to charge the four batteries, and it will function once more; heed my words...",

"I heard the voice very clearly just now, it's calling to me...", Riju stated, "it said that I should use my power to charge the four batteries... the monster we fought outside earlier fled to the top of this temple... and the voice that has been speaking to us said the platform should be able to take us all the way up there; if that's true, we could corner the monster at the top, we might also figure out who is talking to us, and why...",

"Should we split up like last time and find each one", Sheik asked.

"It would give us a good advantage and an easier path to the batteries", Riju replied.

"Alright, Riju, there's a battery over there, once you power it up, meet me on the top floor", Link ordered, "Kate, take the third floor, Sheik, second floor, and be careful",

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