Yunobo, The Sage of Fire

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"Is this where the voice was coming from", Yunobo asked as Link and Kate approached the two, "what is this place, and why is somethin' like this inside Death Mountain",

"I didn't even know there was a world under Hyrule", Kate muttered.

"Ah, it's Princess Zelda", Yunobo said, causing the three to turn their heads and see her entering the temple, "please wait, goro, I gotta talk to ya", The four ran inside the temple... but she wasn't there, "what the... where did she go",

"Come on", Link said as the four walked down the corridor.

"There's something up ahead, goro", Yunobo said, pointing to what looked to be of a drawbridge, a stone circle nearby.

"I think we know what's gonna happen", Sheik said as Link touched the symbol on it, the drawbridge began to lower down, but got stuck and rose back up.

"Figures", both Link and Kate mumbled in unison.

"Look, it's Zelda, goro", Yunobo said, pointing to the room across the drawbridge, from what they could see, Zelda was standing in the middle of marbled rock that slowly rose to the top, forming a boulder at the top, "not good, not good, Princess Zelda is stuck inside there, we gotta hurry and help her", the voice soon came back, "hear that, there it is again",

"Young, little rock... the gate you must pass through is firmly locked with five padlocks... you have the power to unlock them all, do so, then the gate should open... heed my words...",

"No denyin', I heard it loud and clear this time, but who could it be", Yunobo asked, "and what did they mean by "young, little rock",

"We'll figure it out soon, I'm sure of it", Kate reassured.

"Right now, we gotta get this bridge down", Link explained, "based on how everything looks, dividing up might not be our best solution... but we might have to if necessary",

Everyone nodded their heads and made their way through the temple, finding the mechanisms and activating them... once all five were on, the four made their way back to the drawbridge and successfully lowered it.

"It opened... we gotta smash those red rocks and rescue Zelda", Yunobo stated, the four running into the room as Yunobo used his power to hit the rock... but Zelda wasn't there, "where's Zelda",

"I have a bad feeling about this", Kate muttered as an eye appeared in the center of the ceiling, where there were still rocks.

"That's... really, really big", Yunobo stated as the eye turned to the four before the rock began to shake and fall to the ground, Marbled Gohma had appeared, "oh no, is Zelda... inside the monster... guys, we've gotta save her, goro",

"Let's take it out", Link said as everyone ran up, taking out it's legs to reach its eye... it's weak spot; after awhile, Marbled Gohma shrieked, gloom-like malice spewing out of it before red lights and exploding, a white stone soon appearing before shrinking in size and flying towards Yunobo who touched it, causing it to emit a bright light...

"Yunobo, little rock...",

"I've heard that voice, are you the one who's been taking to us this whole time, goro", Yunobo asked.

"Yes, I am your ancestor from a time long past", the Goron Warrior explained, "I served the first king of Hyrule as a mighty warrior and as a sage who, like you, could command fire; you fight using your body as a weapon... impressive, you are my descendant, the pride of the Gorons; you defeated that monster, the source of those foul rocks... but it was the Demon King who summoned it, he sent that monster to keep you from obtaining the stone you just found, my secret stone",

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