Into the Depths

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"I think... it was near here", Yunobo said as the four reached the top of Death Mountain, "when I came up the mountain, I saw her... the princess was standing right here, goro; and then she gave me this fancy mask to wear around, after that... um... aw, geez... it's no use, I can't remember anything that happened after that",

"It's alright, Yunobo, we'll get to the bottom of this", Kate reassured as then an earthquake hit the mountain, causing everyone to stumble around for a bit; as everything went still, the four turned to look at the top, seeing Zelda walking towards the crater of Death Mountain, smoke coming out from the crater.

"There she is, Princess", Yunobo called out as gloom began to rise behind her, "Princess Zelda, we need to talk to you, it's dangerous...",

The ground began to shake once again as more smoke and gloom came out from the crater, a rock monster with three heads, Moragia, emerging, protecting the crater's entrance.

"WHOA, that... that thing broke out of the crater like it was nothin'", Yunobo stated, taking a good look at the monster, "is that marbled rock, is it alive, and there's three of those things, hang on, no... those are... heads, it's so big, how could something that large appear out of nowhere like that, I've never seen anything like this on Death Mountain, goro",

"If we wanna continue forward, we're gonna have to take that thing out", Link stated.

"But how... I can't hit it from down here", Yunobo stated.

"I have an idea", Sheik said, running towards some Zonai devices, "Aunt Purah was investigating Zonai devices... if we can, we can use them to bring the battle to it, Yunobo can charge directly at it",

"It's the only plan we got... let's do it", Kate said as Link used his arm's abilities to create a flying device and sent it out towards Moragia... taking out its three heads like it was nothing; once the heads were gone, Moragia's rock crumbled down into the crater, revealing a giant hole.

"We... we did it, we did it, what was that thing anyway", Yunobo asked, looking down into the crater, "I thought Princess Zelda walked off somewhere around here... wh-whoa, you don't suppose she fell into that hole... do you",

"We don't even know where it goes", Sheik stated.

"Or if Zelda's truly down there", Link muttered.

"You know Yunobo and his kindness... he won't take any chances", Kate mumbled.

"C'mon, Link, Kate, Sheik, let's hurry down there", Yunobo stated, jumping into the hole, "Princess Zelda, don't you worry, we're comin'",

"We don't know what's down there", Sheik warned.

"Well, we're about to... keep your paragliders on hand", Link stated as the two nodded their heads.

"Well then... see you guys down there", Kate said, taking a running start and jumping down, free falling into the hole and seeing what looked to be of a platform surrounded by lava; as she fell, she took a look around... as the whole area underneath was dark, the light from the lava gave them enough to show another world underneath.

"A world under Hyrule", Kate mumbled to herself, using her paraglider to slow down her landing and reach the platform safely before looking around, Link and Sheik coming in soon after.

"I knew there were chasms... but I never expected a whole world underneath", Sheik stated, looking around the area the best he could.

"Knowing both Purah and Robbie, they'll be exploring around the best they can", Link said, turning towards Yunobo, "come on, let's get over to Yunobo and save Goron City",

The four nodded their heads and walked over to Yunobo who was standing outside what appeared to be of a temple and near marbled rocks.

"Who knew it would look like THIS inside Death Mountain", Yunobo said, looking around the area, "now that I look closer, I see a whole lot of those red rocks... why would Princess Zelda be down here with all this marbled rock roast...",

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