The Village, Restored

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Teba stood out on the edge of the platform, looking out in the distance at the storm cloud until the blizzard began slowing down, stopping altogether; to his shock, the storm clouds parted, the summer sun returning and a warm breeze blowing in, melting the snow and restoring the village, all the Rito began to cheer as the four floated down onto the platform.

"You guys, you did it", Harth cheered, making his way towards them, Teba's wife following him until she reached her husband's side.

"Yeah, turns out it was easy once we started working together", Tulin stated.

"...This was no small feat", Teba explained.

"I still can't believe the Stormwind Ark from the children's song was real", Saki said.

"Me neither, you could've knocked me over with a feather", Tulin said as a smile came upon Teba's face, walking up to his son and held out Revali's prized weapon, the Great Eagle Bow.

"For a job well done, Tulin", Teba stated.

"Wait, what, this bow meant so much to you... and now you're giving it to me", Tulin said in shock.

"It was always my intention to give it to you once you came of age as a warrior", Tena explained, handing the bow to him.

"Dad... thank you", Tulin said, "I'll prove to you I've become a warrior worthy of carrying it",

"One phenomena down... three more to go", Kate muttered to herself, her left hand glowing once again.

(The Past)

"It is quite an interesting device... this is... definitely not from this era", a Zonai, Mineru stated, looking at the Purah Pad in her hands, "That said, I believe there may be a way to get the travel functionality working here... I'd like to tinker with it a bit, would it be ok if I borrow it",

"Yes, whatever you need, I really appreciate your help", Zelda said, she was now wearing a different outfit, the secret stone now around her neck.

"Then I'll hold onto it", Mineru said, giving the pad to a Zonai construct.

"So, you really believe my story, that I came from the future", Zelda asked.

"I never doubted you for a moment", Mineru reassured,

"Mineru, do you know of a way we could help to return Zelda back to her time", Rauru asked.

"I suspect it was the power of your secret stone that allowed you to travel through time", Mineru explained, "to put it simply, secret stones amplify the power their owners possess; I am able to separate my spirit from my body, Rauru can repel or destroy evil with his power of light, and Sonia, she can control time; as for you, I can sense both... light and time powers, but your secret stone seems to amplify your time power",

"Time power...", Zelda muttered to herself.

"Ultimately... the secret stone only amplifies your power", Mineru continued, "it doesn't suddenly grant you mastery and control, that's still up to you; that means... if you don't already know how to get yourself home...", Zelda let out a sigh, the power of time was new to her, "there are stories about the secret stones and a forbidden act called draconification, to swallow a secret stone is to become an immortal dragon... one blessed with eternal life",

"Interesting, another way to reach the future... though not a very quick one", Rauru said, "so, you think these stories could hint at a solution to our dilemma",

"Yes, but there is still more to those tales", Mineru warned, "to become an immortal dragon is to lose oneself, that is why it is forbidden; I thought maybe this could lead to a solution, some way to transcend time... but if you have to sacrifice your heart and mind... sacrifice what makes you "you"... I'm sorry, I wish I could help more",

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