The Town, Restored

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The sand shroud parted, the sun coming back in, the Gerudo Soldiers in town looking around in shock as the Gerudo population left the shelter, all cheering as the sun was finally back, from the north exit, the four re-entered the town and made their way to the Throne Room.

"Link, Kate, Sheik... I am grateful to you for helping me save the Gerudo", Riju stated, "I've received reports that ever since the sand shroud dissipated, the Gibdo attacks have almost entirely stopped",

"It will no doubt take some time to rebuild", Buliara stated, "but it is thanks to your help that we can live on the surface again",

"On behalf of the Gerudo, we thank you", Riju said as the Gerudo soldiers bowed in respect; the glow returning to Kate's hand...

(The Past)

Outside, in a gazebo, Rauru, Sonia, and Zelda sat at a table, having a spot of tea, she reached for the kettle only to accidentally knock her cup off the table; the cup stopping in place and floating back to the table as Sonia brought time back to normal.

"Are you well, you seem a bit distracted", Sonia asked.

"I apologize, I keep getting lost in my thoughts, thinking about how I can return home", Zelda explained, "with your power over time... if I were able to learn that kind of control... I might be one step closer to my era",

"I see... the secret is to think of it like drawing out the object's memory", Sonia stated, "you ask the object where it was, how it arrived where it is now, and then you coax it back to that original moment in time",

"The object's memory", Zelda muttered, looking at her teacup.

"I am sure it will become almost like a second nature, and you will be able to find your way home", Sonia reassured, "but Zelda... there is more on your mind than just that... you, of course, do want to get back to your time, but... you also desperately want to help us out in this era, am I close to the truth",

"How did you know", Zelda asked as Rauru laughed.

"I do not believe it is possible to keep anything secret from Sonia", Rauru stated.

"Oh, your concearn is very sweet, Zelda", Sonia said, placing her hands on top of Zelda's, "but listen, you can focus your attention on returning home, after all, you possess more than power over time, you have a sacred power that can dispel evil, both of these powers will help you protect your own era",

"Queen Sonia...", Zelda began.

"And, of course, you must make it home safe to put both Link's and your sister's minds at ease", Sonia stated.

"Link... and your sister, Kate... they're not name's I've heard", Rauru said.

"Link is a royal knight, and my sister's best friend turned husband, he had been originally appointed for my protection", Zelda explained, "and Kate is my dear older sister, she often thought her calling was elsewhere other than the castle, often helped me sneak out and explore; and later, they became heroes by saving both me and Hyrule form a great evil",

"Oh, heroes, are they", Rauru asked.

"They're very dedicated, refusing to back down from any challenges together", Zelda stated, "they're very strong, smart, and their hearts are good and true",

"Ah, I can see that you have absolute faith in them", Rauru said, "hearing you speak so highly of them, I find myself wanting to meet them as well",

"Indeed", Sonia said, "I would also like to meet them, they must be quite the brave, courageous knight and queen, what pictures Zelda paints of them",

(Present Day)

A smile came across her face as she snapped back into reality, while Zelda's whereabouts were still unknown, she was relieved that Sonia and Rauru had taken her under their wing, it almost reminded her of her memories of her own mother, when she was still with them...

"Kate", Riju called out, approaching her.

"Yes", Kate asked, turning towards her direction.

"I'm glad we got an answer to your vision, but you seem distracted", Riju said.

"I... just have a lot on my mind", Kate explained, "Zelda's still missing, I don't know where this vision trail's leading me... and the battle to come; I've been queen for a little over a hundred years as well as a warrior... I don't think I'm ready for what's to come",

"I understand exactly where you come from", Riju explained, "I was young when I was appointed Chief of the Gerudo, and I knew I wasn't ready for it; growing up to the stories of Hyrule, you, the Wayward Princess always came up, sneaking out to explore, fight, and learn... a part of me wanted to be you back then; I did sneak out, but every time, Buliara found me... she wasn't angry, but she did show me that I could do all those things while leading the Gerudo",

"Before Link and I got married, he was my best friend", Kate stated, "although he was appointed to Zelda, he often helped the other guards find me every time I snuck out; and out of the many guards... he always found me",

"I never got to ask... how did you two get married", Riju asked.

"We don't even know ourselves", Kate explained, "I ran away after being told I could no longer leave the castle, Link found me and rather than taking me back, we hung out at a festival in a town I ran to, as of many, we were married that night",

"It sounds like you might've had too much to drink that night", Riju said.

"We might've, but I also didn't want him to get into trouble", Kate added, "I gave him a way out and we'd just forget about it, but he didn't want that... we kept it a secret until my father eventually found out",

"I remember reading that you backed him into a corner", Riju said, "even Urbosa wrote about it, while she was worried, she was also proud that you stood up to him",

"If she were still here, you'd find Zelda and I here all the time", Kate stated, "Urbosa wasn't just a friend of ours... she was family... and quite often beat up the Yiga Clan",

"They still pose a threat today", Riju muttered.

"How Kohga stayed alive for well over a hundred years still eludes us", Kate replied.

"His technique is laughable", Riju stated,

"Tell me about it", Kate said, both girls soon laughing.

"I'm gonna stay here, help out my people", Riju explained, "if I hear anything of Zelda's whereabouts, I'll find a way to notify you... I look forward to fighting alongside you once again",

"So will we", Kate said, "keep up practicing your lightning ability now that you can use it by snapping your fingers... honestly, when Urbosa lent me that power, it was a lot easier that way",

"I will, thank you", Riju said as she then took her leave, Link and Sheik walking up to her.

"Two down, two to go... where to next", Sheik asked, pulling out his Purah Pad.

"Zora's Domain, it's closer and we can hit Death Mountain soon after", Link explained.

"Fastest way to get there is to cut through Kakariko Village", Kate explained, "we can use the northern path past the second shrine taken out and cut through; it'll be a quick trip that way",

"Alright, Kakariko, here we come", Sheik stated, hitting the warp point in Kakariko Village as the three disappeared in blue light.

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