Mineru's Farewell

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Arriving back in Lookout Landing, Sheik immediately ran towards the railing, looking over at Hyrule Castle for anything... so far, there was nothing in sight... until the ground began to shake again, the dragon coming out of the depths of Hyrule Castle.

"Do you see them, friend", Sidon asked.

"No, not yet", Sheik said, running over to Purah's telescope and looking through, the sages running over to him, "I see them... they're still alive, stuck between its teeth",

"How are we supposed to get up there, goro", Yunobo asked.

"It's impossible to reach them, even if we were to get to the highest point of the castle", Riju stated.

"I can fly up there and help them", Tulin said.

"No, you'll risk getting swallowed up by it", Sheik stated.

"He's right... I'm afraid they're on their own", Mineru said as then a shadow flew past them...


"Getting... too tight...", Kate muttered, hitting her fist on the Demon Dragon's mouth.

"Gotta be... another way...", Link mumbled, looking for a way out as a familiar dragon flew towards them.

"Zelda", Kate muttered, a smile coming to her face as the Demon Dragon roared, the force releasing Link and Kate and causing them to fall; the Demon Dragon attempted to hit Zelda, but she dodged it, catching Link and Kate on her head.

"Zelda, I'm glad to see you again", Kate said, running her hand on the dragon's head as she flew further up into the sky, the Demon Dragon following behind them.

"This is it, it has no way to cover it's weak spots... you ready to end this", Link asked.

"Ready", Kate said as the two unsheathed the Master Swords again, sacred light coming back to the swords as the Demon Dragon roared.

"We each go after a weak point until there's only one left", Link stated as Kate nodded her head; jumping off Zelda, the two sky-dived towards the Demon Dragon, taking out it's weak spots before being thrown off and caught by Zelda below until all the weak spots were gone... the blood moon coming in.

"It's trying to regain power", Link stated.

"Over there... secret stone, that's gotta be it", Kate shouted, pointing to its head.

"Head towards it, and be careful", Link said as Kate nodded her head before both jumped off Zelda a final time, heading over towards the Demon Dragon's head and attacking the secret stone, causing it to shatter to a million pieces.

The Demon Dragon roared, light pouring out from its head as Link and Kate were thrown off, caught by Zelda and crouched on her head, watching gloom pour out of the Demon Dragon until the red light's popped out of it and exploded, Link and Kate turning their heads towards each other, protecting each other and themselves from the force of the explosion until it died down.

"We did it... we did it", Kate mumbled with a laugh as the two got up and sheathed the Master Swords.

"We did it", Link said as his Zonai arm began glowing, the light enveloping the two... as it died down, both were above the clouds, Zelda, still in her dragon form, below them, sleeping in mid-air; Link's arm began to glow until it rose up, pointing it at Zelda... Kate's left hand glowing again as she put it on top of Link's Zonai arm, from behind, the spirits of Rauru and Sonia appeared, combining their power as the light hit Zelda, changing her back to normal.

"Zelda", Kate mumbled, a smile on her face.

"What", Link said in shock, his Zonai arm gone, his normal hand back; turning around, both saw Rauru and Sonia departing from the world as the light came back... coming to, both we're free-falling down.

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