The Gibdos Attack

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(Kara Kara Bazaar)

Arriving to their destination, the Gibdos were attempting to break through the barriers the Gerudo had set up, the remaining soldiers attempting to keep them at bay; Riju then ran forward, using her lightning to kill the Gibdos nearby.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting", Riju said, "but I'm here now, and we're going to wipe all the Gibdos out at once... follow me",

Riju's power was able to defeat almost all the gibdo's, even weaken some of them, allowing the others to fight and defend her; it wasn't long until a tree caught their eye, a similar-looking tree they had seen at each exit of Gerudo Town, holes appeared in the mushroom-like top, a swarm of Gibdos falling from it.

"Riju, that tree, we need to take it out", Kate called out as she nodded her head, taking aim she unleashed a bolt of lightning, hitting the tree, making it evaporate into sand as the others took out the remaining Gibdo's, Kara Kara Bazaar was now safe.

"Buliara, well done holding the line until we were able to get here", Riju stated, "now that we know the Gibdos are susceptible to lightning, this gives us a major advantage",

Buliara nodded her head, before she could speak, something caught her eye, as they turned their heads to look at the direction she was staring at, they saw Zelda in the distance.

"Is that Zelda", Riju asked as an earthquake hit, disorienting them; looking towards Gerudo Town, tornadoes were seen nearby, "That's bad... real bad, Gerudo Town is in danger", turning back towards Zelda's location, she was walking away, "Zelda, wait... she was heading directly toward those tornadoes, and if more Gibdos are hiding in the storm...",

"Those weird trees...", Kate muttered, gaining everyone's attention, "the trees the Gibdos were coming out of... they were at each gate in town",

"Buliara, we need to get back now", Riju ordered, moving forward with Buliara at her side, the three following after them; arriving back in town, Riju saw what Kate had meant.

"You were right, but I don't need a clairvoyant sand seal to know a massive Gibdo attack is coming", Riju explained, "right now, those hives are durable and nearly impervious to attack, but when they open and begin releasing Gibdos, they're vulnerable... they won't wait outside our walls forever",

The voice came back, gaining their attention...

"Come... come... to where I am...",

"Again... you heard it, didn't you", Riju asked, "Come... is it calling out to us",

"That voice again", Kate mumbled to herself, her left-hand glowing once again, "...I'm seeing the pattern now...",

(The Past)

"Allow me to offer you my deepest apologies... on behalf of the Gerudo", the Gerudo Leader stated, kneeling down before Rauru and Sonia, the Gerudo kneeling behind him, "...for taking so long to accept your repeated invitations, it is our desire to be accepted into the protective embrace of your kingdom, to serve it faithfully",

"A welcome appeal, Ganondorf, I will accept your vow of fealty to the kingdom of Hyrule", Rauru stated, "I understand that a single male is born to the Gerudo every one hundred years, receiving such an appeal from you, a hero to his people and a king by birth... well, it is truly reassuring",

"It is my honor", Ganondorf explained, "when your Zonai ancestors first descended upon these lands long, long ago, they must have seemed to be gods, and now you rule as king and have taken a Hyrulean woman as your wife; your majesty has certainly risen above your admirable lineage... most impressive; it is unfortunate that the noble Zonai no longer grace this world with their presence... all except you and your sister, that is",

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