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DANIELA CRUZ sat in the dorm room, talking to Bru about the results from the paternity test. She was in hot water, now that it was confirmed that the baby wasn't Cane's. She didn't know what she was going to do or how she was gonna break the news to everyone, let alone Tariq.

"I mean, I knew it was probably Tariq's, but now we know for sure... this is insane." Bru confessed. "I'm honestly scared shitless, Bru. This being Tariq's kid was like the worst thing that could've happened to me." Daniela admitted.

"Well, it ain't no time for panicking. You gotta hurry up and tell them niggas, before they find out. It's only a matter of time, before your belly bump starts showing." Bru told her.

"Yeah, you're right." Daniela agreed.


From: (917) 555-0141
911. Get to the warehouse now.

"Shit. I gotta go, Bru. I'll see you later." Daniela said, hopping up from the couch.


"What the fuck is this?" Cane asked Obi, as Daniela stood beside Effie, Brayden, and Tariq in the warehouse.

"I should be asking you the same thing. You fucking kids took out Mecca and promised to fill his shoes. And what's left over? Half of last weeks product." Obi said. 

"I would say more like a third." Brayden corrected, making Effie nudge him.

"Listen, everything will be gone by the next time we see you, okay? We just had some delays that we figured out. We also been thinking about expanding." Tariq stated.

Obi reached into his pocket and pulled out photos. First one of Diana, second one of Brayden's family, third one of Grandma Estelle, and lastly a photo of Dominic and Sasha.

"What's this supposed to be?" Daniela asked, folding her arms.

"A performance incentive to get this product moving. A million dollars in hand the next time I see you or she dies. Next million, Richie Rich's folks. Third million, Daniela's parents. And we respect our elders, so we'll do Granny last. You're not off the hook, Little Orphan Annie. You fuck up, these fools here die. Are.. we.. clear?" Obi queried.

"Crystal." Cane assured, nodding.

Obi chuckled, before walking out and leaving the young kids in silence.

"So, yeah, uh, about those plans, Riq?" Brayden spoke up, clearly frightened.


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