A Good Morning!

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Murtasim woke up by the stark rays of morning sun on his face. He stirred in his bed a little trying to get out of his sleepiness and gain consciousness. Suddenly, the events of last night and what has conspired here in this room, on this very bed flashed in front of his eyes. He sat straight up on his bed. His eyes moved to the other side of the bed which was empty. Meerab must have woken up before him, which was a rarity, that made him a little confused. He caressed her pillow lightly moved his hand on her side of the mattress trying to gain her warmth. The warmth he was completely engulfed in last night. The memory made him smile contently.

Murtasim brushed and took a shower before heading out to look for Meerab, his mood uncharacteristically good at this early hour of the day. He went down the stairs but can not locate Meerab anywhere. He went to the dinning hall and looked in the adjacent mini-garden for her....Nope! She is nowhere. Murtasim had a sinking feeling in his stomach. He rushed to the kitchen, the last place he would go to find Meerab. His steps were fast and urgent as he rushed into the kitchen and then stopped.


Meerab was busy making breakfast in the kitchen, a task she had avoided insistently since she came to this house after marriage, except that one time when she did it out of guilt; because she thought she had poisoned Murtasim with "fish". However, this morning was different and she wouldn't get a better excuse of getting out of the bedroom that early in the morning. 

Meerab needed to get out of the room before Murtasim wakes up. She was overflowed with emotions as soon as she woke up beside her husband on the same bed. She did not regret the last night, far from it. But, she just don't know how to deal with it _the sudden change in their relationship dynamics. And to be honest, she felt a little shy and not at all ready to face Murtasim in the bed on their 'morning after'. So, she slipped away from the bed and quickly made a stealthy exit.

Now, she is trying to immerse herself in the task ahead, trying hard because the memories of last night are too distracting. Her face is flushed less from the heat of the stove and more from the constant replay of previous night's happenings. She was lost in daydreaming when she heard a strong, deep male voice call her name with such warmth she thought she would melt.

"Meerab?" Murtasim called again when she didn't respond.

"Good morning!", Meerab said in a chirpy voice but without turning back.

Murtasim walked towards her and stopped only a few steps behind her. She noticed that the two house maids working with her in the kitchen were suddenly taking a leave and realized Murtasim must have signaled them to make themselves scarce. Her grip on the spoon she was stir in the pot, on the stove, tightens. She had no idea what was cooking in the pot though.

Murtasim covers the small distance between them and stand just behind her, their bodies almost touching, she can feel his breath on her neck when he said,

" Why did you leave early?"

"No reason! just woke up early and decided to make breakfast." she was trying to sound nonchalant.

"okay! but can you please turn around and let me see your face because its been hours since I last saw you and I am getting a bit desperate" his voice sounded so earnest, almost as a plea. Meerab smiled to herself and thought, 'what is this man? 'she slowly turned around, her entire body brushed against his since he was standing too close. 

"Hi!" She said smiling to her handsome husband. He smiled back, ear to ear this time.

"Hi!" he replied.

"Well, now that you have seen me can you please move a bit away, because our positioning is a little too intimate for an open kitchen." Meerab requested making a cute face that Murtasim felt like pulling her cheeks, which were flushed pink. He moved back, probably half a centimeter.

"Good?" he asked mischievously.

"Murtasim!" she said dangerously.

He laughed a throaty, ultra sexy laugh and said "I missed you"

"How? I am always here..." She asked genuinely confused.

"God Meerab! are you for real?" he was saying laughingly.

"what does that mean?" still confused.

"Meerab.....I missed you, the warmth of your closeness, I missed your smell, I missed holding you in my arms......" Murtasim was explaining her like a teacher would explain a complicated math equation to a 5th grader. He continued,

"I missed touching your body and kis........"

"Please Stop!" Meerab abruptly exclaimed in a strained voice to stop him from continuing.

Her eyes wide open, her mouth agape, her breaths shortened. She can not believe this man is saying all this to her in the middle of the house kitchen and she can not believe that her heart beats had quickened by his words. This effect of him on her was unprecedented.

Murtasim keenly noticed every minute change on his wife's face and thoroughly enjoying the darkening of the flush on her cheek. He did not know anyone can turn this shade of pink for real, it was adorable. In that moment he decided to take mercy on her and backed away. 

" A breakfast made by my wife is a very good way to start the day. I could get used to this" He said smiling broadly, then turns around to exit the kitchen but not before adding, "I could get used to a lot of things you do for me." with that he left, leaving a very hot and bothered Meerab in the kitchen.

******************************************************************************************************** So, it's the end of this part. I just felt before moving on to drama a morning after scene was a must. :)

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